Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church
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Spencer Colliver is part of the Association of Christian Fellowships in Brisbane. He writes and teaches extensively about small group communities.
For over the years I have been working with survivors of severe childhood trauma and sadistic abuse. It is imperative that the principle of "forgiveness" for both the victim and perpetrator be understood and appropriated because this is essential for God's healing and restoration. This is a process and not a single event for those with a dissociative history and the length of time for healing varies according to each individuals spiritual growth and maturity in conjunction with the resolution of D.I.D. or trauma issues. This progress can be measured by each person coming out of their isolation and self absorption that is a part of the 'fall out' of a history of childhood abuse into the 'koinonia' fellowship/communion) of assembly life in relationships with other believers.
1Cor. 1:9 w/ 1John 1:1-7 w/ Heb. 10:23-25 w/ Acts 2:42

This Byte Show mp3 interview focuses on the issue of biblically defined forgiveness and does not address all the complexities which result from a person's history of abuse and dissociation.

Doug - Gal. 4:19; Eph. 4:13
Resources for Counseling
Welcome Visitors !!!
In my over 30 years of working with SRA survivors the issue of forgiving ones self, others and especially God is a deep core issue that needs to be deeply excavated and resolved. Most SRA survivors have a profound need to forgive God even though this represents a theological conundrum with man but not with God.

Doug Riggs

"Forgiveness" by Eric Ludy
June 7, 2014 - Link to Download Video
 386 MB MP4 file - click once - wait until download finishes
A vital and powerful message from Pastor Eric Ludy that releases God's
healing power into the lives of His wounded solders!
Judgments and Bitterness as Clutter that Hinders Prayer for Emotional Healing
(pdf file) by Karl D. Lehman, M.D.
and Charlotte E.T. Lehman, M.Div.
Lydia Discipleship Ministries

Specific DID/SRA Issues

Equipping the Church
to Disciple Hurting People
A Deeper Healing
(Joni Eareckson Tada) Strange Fire Conference
Biblical Repentance /
The Meaning of
by L. R. Shelton, Jr.
(Link to article)
RENUNCIATIONS OF THE PAGAN - The renunciations and prayers deal with ancient civilizations' foundational idolatry and allegiance to other "gods which are not gods", as detailed in the Old Testament. The Scriptures have been used to compile these specific items and practices for purposes of confession and renunciations. Another source used for this purpose is an academic paper by Gloria J. Wiese, entitled "A Study of the True Cosmic Mountain of Yahweh, with Emphasis on The Prophecies of Ezekiel."

A Study of the True Cosmic Mountain of Yahweh
by Gloria Weise / click HERE)
In the Day of Thy Power
by Lance Lambert
This message is the Scriptural Mandate 
for all Christian Counseling and Deliverance Ministry
Reading & Discussion of Chapter 4

Invest the time to listen to this most important message before you consider the other resources you find on this webpage.

Become alert to the enemy and his tactics:
* Discover your areas of vulnerability * Live freely in Christ's victory
* Don't let the enemy gain ground in your family.

Read Reclaiming Surrendered Ground and be equipped for battle.
For Counseling Resources, 
click the "Referrals" button on their website
Deeper Walk Institute MP3 Downloads
Deeper Walk International
The newly revised
Deeper Walk Institute
Course 4: Advanced Issues

These sessions were recorded in 2013 and offers training in dealing with advanced issues.

This 8-session set of MP3 downloads, taught by Dr. Marcus Warner, includes:

Session 1: Ministry to the Deeply Wounded - Session 2: Dealing with Dissociation

Session 3: Dealing with Demons - Session 4: Dealing with the Occult

Session 5: Dealing with Addiction -Session 6: Dealing with Eating Disorders

Session 7: Dealing with Sexual Bondage - Session 8: Dealing with Narcissism
Additional Resources:

Dear Saints and co-workers in Christ,

I have highly recommended this book The Complete Green Letters to SRA
survivors and their counselors for several years. It is amazing to see the fruit
coming as both survivors and those who minister to them grow and come to
freedom in Christ! The slow and challenging transition of every SRA/DID
survivor from their trauma-based dissociated phenomenology and
programming must incorporate a sound biblical foundation based upon the
New Testament revelation of our new creation identity in Christ. It was through the ministry of Miles Stanford that I was first introduced to many of the "deeper life" servants of the Lord who understood and taught the Identification Truths from the Word of God. Over the past 40 plus years the Lord has wonderfully and graciously used the testimonies and teachings of these mature saints to lead us as an assembly in the path of maturity, fruitfulness and freedom in Christ!

Blessings, Doug
Link to book available online--->
The Complete Green Letters
Website --->
Job's Encounter With God -
The Battleground Between God and Satan

Who is Leviathan?? Is there a correlation between it and the serpent in the garden? What are the 'rows of shields' that Leviathan has? Satan uses hidden pride in people as his shield. This is his greatest weapon against God.

Doug teaches - and Dan testifies as to how Satan
uses this strategy in the body and bride of Christ.
A Word of Encouragement to SRA Survivors --->
Come Away with Jesus

Message by Eric Ludy
Videos Added March 2024
Syllabus of Discipling Ritual Abuse Survivors in Resolving Dissociation, Demonization, and Programming

Discipling Ritual Abuse Survivors Conference 1997