A Dwelling Place for God - by Pastor Doug Riggs : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

A Dwelling Place for God - by Pastor Doug Riggs

by John Mark on 05/26/24

This message was originally recorded February 15, 2015.

My notes:

A house is where one's name can be found. The name represents the character and nature of that person who has that name. King David wanted to build a house where the Name of Yahweh could dwell, where people could experience and have a connection to the character and nature of the God of Israel. In this church age, Jesus is building the church where that Name of Yahweh can find its home, its expression, its place to manifest the nature and character of God in the presence of man and the angelic realm. In the age to come, that dwelling place for God will consist of the Holy of Holies (the church, the innermost sanctuary), the Holy Place (Israel), and the outer court (the nations). "What attracts the attention of God? That which is dedicated for the Name to have a dwelling place, and thus a manifestation among the nations."

Doug reads and comments on the scriptures that speak of our bodies being the temple (inner shrine; Holy of Holies) of the Holy Spirit. "Jesus's body, His temple, is the presence of God; now the church, by membership, is an extension of that body - living, organic membership." So, individually and corporately expressed locally, "You're the innermost shrine; you're the extension of Jesus Christ; you're a member of the Messiah... the place where the Shekinah glory dwells."

Doug then talks about the fact there will be a pre-tribulation rapture. However, unlike many who believe all will be nice and peaceful and at any minute now Jesus will come for the church - and then things will get really bad, i.e.: the Tribulation, he warns, "Before the rapture occurs, it's gonna get really, really bad. It's gonna be such that believers are gonna actually think that they're in the day of the Lord. It's gonna be that bad." Doug has often taught us, "There'll be a remnant that will be on the earth in those days that will represent a bride without spot nor wrinkle prior to the rapture."

"I can empathize with those that are fed up with the Laodicean sleeping church, and therefore conclude that we must have a purging... but you don't have to change your eschatology to have a cleansed church. All you have to understand is that 'judgment begins at the household of God.' The church will have its own purging and tribulation before Israel and the nations... BEFORE... And when that comes, people will be interpreting it as the day of the Lord - and it's not."

Due to what Doug learned over the years of working with Christian survivors of SRA with generational DID who held the highest places in the Luciferian cult, he made this shocking statement: "The antichrist will be enthroned in the church, the very temple of God." You may want to listen to Generational SRA/DID and the Replication of Satan's Throne in the Body of Christ (https://www.dougriggs.org/Generational_SRA_-_DID_and_Satan_s_Throne.mp3) and read The Luciferian Kingdomization of Christians (pdf - Lori’s notes taken at a SRA/DID seminar). "Antichrist is in the body of Christ, and he is right there attached to the innermost sanctuary, the inner man, then new birth identity." Doug warns, "Your church that has any semblance of salt and light, antichrist is in your midst... Your church is infiltrated, pastors!" "You claim to be a servant of God, are you willing to get antichrist out of your midst? Then you will deal with SRA-DID in your midst."

"Antichrist will be expelled from the church. How do we know. Because he's going to occupy the physical naos [in the rebuilt temple] in the day of the Lord, the tribulation."

Doug challenges pastors who know nothing of the satanic strategy to infiltrate the church with those who are generational SRA survivors and the need to take action. "You got these people in your midst; it's an assignment, it's a Kingdom assignment. It's not subordinate to what you're doing... to your vision. It's priority. ...I'm looking for those pastors who really are ready to mean business with the Lord and are willing to die; to be going into a pit with a lion on a snowy day, and saying, 'God, I'm not coming out until the lion is slain.'"

Doug refers to "the executive position of a believer who actually believes the word of God that says, 'seated with Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6)'; 'co-enthroned with Him'. Well, if you're co-enthroned with Him, what are you doing there? Are you executing the judgments written (Psalm 149)? What are you doing? ... singing your little choruses in church; sitting there listing to a twenty-minute sermon watching your watch? If you're sitting in a church where it's a twenty-minute sermonette, you need to get out of that church, and you need to find out where God wants you to be where you can hear the word of God with enough continuity, enough content where you can come into the mind of God and begin functioning in the manner and way which represents a divinely prepared remnant in these last days."

Recommended Resources:

T. Austin-Sparks, “One Spirit” – I believe this is the full title Doug referred to: "He That is Joined to the Lord is One Spirit" (https://www.austin-sparks.net/english/004782.html)

Wrestling Prayer: A Passionate Communion with God by Eric Ludy and Leslie Ludy

 Link to today's audio: https://dougriggs.s3.amazonaws.com/Assemblies/2-15-15+Sunday+Assembly.mp3



John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!