Facing the Last Days - by Pastor Doug Riggs : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

Facing the Last Days - by Pastor Doug Riggs

by John Mark on 07/10/24

This message was originally recorded January 17, 2016.

My notes:

"This is the generation Jesus Christ is going to return to." Though some may say, "You've been saying that for decades..." “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.” (2 Peter 3:4) The Lord has been very patient. "The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) The technology required for a one-world government led by the Antichrist is now in place. The time is short. "The tragedy is that many in the church do not know this."


Once again, Doug seeks to correct those who believe we as Christians have Hebrew roots and should observe the Sabbath and other Jewish traditions. "The church is an entity that is not rooted in time; it has no Hebrew roots. It's rooted in eternity; it's rooted in Christ." It may be said of the Apostle Paul, a "Hebrew of Hebrews", that he had Hebrew roots - but he counted it as rubbish (dung KJV).


Doug explains the seed war first introduced in Genesis 3:15 which carries on throughout human history, the war between the seed of the woman, Christ - including the corporate Christ, the church - and the seed of Satan, ultimately culminating in the Antichrist. Since we have and are the seed of Christ, "Wherever the seed of Messiah is, there will be oppression; there will be darkness. And it's true today."


When we look at Revelation 12, there are varying ideas of interpretation that need to be adjusted so that we can better understand this passage. The "woman clothed with the sun..." is a representative of Israel, not the church as some teach. It seems this chapter, as much of Revelation, has many confused, so it's nice to hear a bible teacher who actually knows what it says so we don't have to say, "Well, this teacher says this, and that scholar says that. You will need to decide what you think." Over the years that Doug taught us the bible, we rarely heard his opinion on any of it. We heard its interpretation and many applications.


"And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth." Doug shines a lot of light on this that takes us back to Genesis 1:1 and 2. It didn't take God six days to create the heavens and the earth. "He created the heavens and the earth in one word - and they all came into existence." But after Genesis 1:1 and before Genesis 1:2, we can clearly see the fall of Lucifer and the third of the angels that fell with him, and God's judgment on earth. The planets clearly illustrate God's judgment when we look at the scarred pock-marked moon and the planets visible to us. Genesis 1:2 begins to describe the restoration of the universe and planet Earth, leaving the other unrestored planets as a witness to God's judgment. "He restored the earth for man; it's the same earth, but it had to be restored for man." Doug lets us know the "gap theory" is not a theory... it's a fact.


In this message, Doug expressed the battle he was going through to adequately teach the complex interpretation of Revelation 12 as it speaks of 'a woman', 'child', 'a great red dragon', 'a son', and 'a male child'. The Greek tenses are an important clue as to what our elder brother John is describing. As I try to condense and summarize this, I come up with the following: 'a woman' as being Israel; the 'child' is the seed of the woman, individually speaking of Jesus the Messiah - and corporately, the seed is the church, the body of Christ; the 'dragon' is Satan seeking to devour the Messiah (via Herod murdering baby boys after Jesus was born), Israel (via Nazi Germany), as well as the corporate Christ, the church (via SRA*); the birth of 'a son' is the re-birth of the nation Israel in 1948; and the 'child' who is to be "caught up to God and to His throne" is not speaking of the rapture, but of the church upon the completion of the judgment seat of Christ being snatched from the 2nd heavens up to the throne, completely and finally displacing Satan, along with the principalities and powers who are cast from the 2nd heavens to earth to carry out their agenda during the 2nd half of the tribulation as the church in union with her head judges them; and 'the woman' who flees into the wilderness is Israel at the midpoint of the tribulation as they discover Antichrist is not the Messiah, as they escape to Petra where God provides for their protection from the devastation occurring during the 2nd half of the tribulation. This is the simplified version and hopefully goes along with Doug's explanation. I apologize if I missed anything or skewed anything not exactly following Doug's much more advanced and specific teaching.


*Doug also makes the connection of 'the dragon' seeking to devour the seed of the woman, the church, to that which has happened to the survivors he ministered to so many years who's new birth identities were attacked, captured, and wrapped in death by Satan. You'll find much of that explained on the website in many messages, seminars, and counseling resources.


I smiled as I heard Doug say in this message that it being the beginning of 2016, "When we look on the landscape at the end of 2016, if we're still here, we're not even going to recognize America... you wait and see." We all can attest to this now mid-2024. This brings to mind what I began to think about while listening to part of a recent message by Jamie Walden on the coming judgment on America. It got me to thinking how so many teachers are warning about it but ignoring the warning that judgment will come first on the household of God (1 Peter 4:17). Since Jamie and others who do not have the revelation of the mystery confuse what is Israel and its eschatology with the church and what is coming to us, they mush together the idea the church will go through the tribulation which will include the downfall of the US. Rather than the church needing to repent of that which the Lord addresses in Revelation 2 and 3, they want America to repent and for the world to turn from its wickedness. It's a complete avoidance of the real issues facing the church. The sons of Issachar knew what Israel needed to do - but many of the modern ''watchmen" don't have a clue what the church needs to do. Who out there is teaching on the 'day of visitation' (1 Peter 2:12) or the fiery ordeal that is coming upon us for our testing (1 Peter 4:12)? This really accentuates to me the warnings that Jesus will come upon the church like a thief in the night, sudden and unexpected (1 Thessalonians 5:4-8; Revelation 2:16, 22-23; 3:3).


Another thought: Jamie was talking about Revelation 18 and the likelihood New York will one day be nuked ... and others warning of EMP nukes over America prior to the day of the Lord... and some warning the Internet will soon be down, especially not available to Christian ministries. I don't buy it at all. The Internet and all the computers, devices, cell phones, etc. will be necessary for the implementation of what the World Economic Forum is planning, including vax mandates, digital global currency, tracking, etc. The Antichrist needs all that in place for the mark of the beast to be a reality. So - forget about buying those EMP shields. (Besides... if you get one for your car and everyone else's car isn't driveable, just how long do you think you'll be able to keep it before you're carjacked at gunpoint?)... I digress... (and hope you don't mind.) Doug weighs in on this: "There will be no nuclear weapon strike America while the church is here... PERIOD! Why? Because Jesus Christ is head over all things to (the advantage of) 'the church which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.'" (Ephesians 1:22-23)


Back to the message in progress: Jesus, who was sinless, tells us that Satan had no ground in Him ... no legal ground, authority, or access. "There will be a church in the end where there'll be no place for the devil... The adversary knows his tenure is up; it's done... When Christ in His church is fully glorified at the end of that judgment seat of Christ process, the first three-and-a-half years - right at that end, when Christ in His glory is seen in the church in the heavens, and there's no more place found for them, the great dragon is thrown down." "The glory of God in Christ in the church completely displaces Satan and principalities in the heavens, and from that moment on, that place is the domain of the church forever." This depicts the 'new Jerusalem' kingdom through which the rule and reign of Christ in His body is established.


So how does this apply to us now? Is there a place for Satan in us now? Wherever there's uncrucified flesh, there's a place; wherever there's dissociation, there's a place; wherever there's willful sin, there's a place."


So if Satan was cast down to the earth when he sinned, how is he now in the heavenlies and will be once more cast down at the midpoint of the tribulation? He "was exalted to the heavens when man sinned", whereby Adam, the representative man relinquished the right to rule planet Earth to him. This second time Satan is cast down to the earth, the next stop he will be bound for 1,000 years in the abyss at the end of the 7-year tribulation, and then, after a short time, the lake of fire forever and ever.


What is the revelation of Jesus Christ and its context in these last days? It is related to the rise of the morning star (2 Peter 1:19); the exanastasis (out-resurrection from among the dead) company (Philippians 3:11); the day of visitation (1 Peter 2:12); the bride without spot or wrinkle (Ephesians 5:27); and finally during the midpoint of the tribulation, that full, complete, and final revelation of Christ in and through His glorified body snatched to God's throne.


As for these final days of the church age, "We're going to be in for it in the days ahead. What's ahead for the church from right now before the rapture, it will be the church's darkest hour in all of history. But what church will it be dark for? Any church that's not Philadelphia."


Link to audio: https://dougriggs.s3.amazonaws.com/Assemblies/1-17-16+sunday+assembly.mp3

Discussion followed where Doug further explains Jesus Christ as the seed of the woman, and the seed war coming to its culmination during the final days of the church age. He also mentions Ezekiel 38 & 39 that describes Russia invading Israel. Since this describes Russia’s defeat, this invasion cannot happen before the rapture (my take on this), as Russia, among other nations, will be used of God to destroy the strength of America (i.e.: Revelation 18).


Link to Discussion audio: https://dougriggs.s3.amazonaws.com/Assemblies/1-17-16+discussion.mp3


Recommended: The Blessed Hope (also on the Video Page at https://www.dougriggs.org/Videos.html)




John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!