God's Pattern for our Conformity to the Image of Christ - by Pastor Doug Riggs : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

God's Pattern for our Conformity to the Image of Christ - by Pastor Doug Riggs

by John Mark on 04/17/24

This message was originally recorded June 15, 2014.

My notes:

"Adam was created sinless, but he was not perfected. Adam, when he was created, he was not 'crowned with glory and honor'. That was God's intention... The first Adam failed and with him, took the whole human race into sin and death and condemnation... In that complicity with the Adversary, the life went out of man; and with the life, the light went out." I'm glad this isn't the end of the story. It set the stage for a Man as God intended man to be to come into this world, sinless and not yet perfected, who every moment made the right choices to remain sinless, and through suffering was made perfect (complete, whole, mature). Jesus, though eternally Son of God, became fully human as he laid aside His deity and entered into our space-time continuum. As the Last Adam, the Second Man, He took with Himself the entire human race was judged and put to death on the cross. By completing the journey God intended for man to finish, Jesus attained glory and honor, not only for Himself, but for those who would become His body, His corporate Self.

Sin was not the only thing judged and put to death on the cross. The entire first man, not only his sinfulness, but the best Adam could be was crucified and put to death - and buried. Only in Christ are we raised into newness of life, the new man in Christ - the new humanity - a wholly new race of mankind - a new creation. In the world there are two humanities - one is forever dead - the other is forever alive.

Salvation is a once-forever transaction. Sanctification is the process of transformation, "the setting aside of that old humanity, making a place for Christ."

The title of this message is "God's Pattern for our Conformity to the Image of Christ". So, what does that pattern look like? We'll find out it begins with humility; "It is an attribute of God... the very essence of that which binds the Godhead together... a love-humility... the absolute foundation to even beginning to know God." Doug takes a journey of discovery in Isaiah 52-53 to get a look at what humility looks like. Doug gives us the definition of humility: "It is an accurate assessment of one's self in the presence of an infinitely holy God. You're able to see who you are in the presence of God as He is, and that we have nothing to offer Him; we have nothing to give Him, and that we are nothing apart from Him."

Speaking of 'the arm of the Lord' and to whom it is revealed, redemption is one aspect, but "the inheritance is the biggest effort in the work God is doing." I've been thinking about how so many pulpits limit the work of God to the forgiveness of sins and the promise of heaven, and completely miss the inheritance that must be fought for here in time. People are happy being delivered from Egypt and spending their lives in the wilderness where the greatest welfare program of all time was enacted - the daily food provided each morning (except on each Sabbath) that required no work. The church seems oblivious to the fact there's a land 'flowing with milk and honey' that awaits our possessing (now, the unsearchable riches of Christ) which requires our dispossessing the forces of darkness squatting on it. "The kingdom of God is taken by force; violent men seize it for themselves" (Matt. 11:12) has somehow been overlooked and ignored. We're happy with Moses delivering us from the world but are ignorant of Jesus, the greater Joshua ready to take us into the land. Churches want to be safe and content with their ticket to glory and want nothing to do with the spiritual warfare and effort to gain our inheritance. Salvation is free and requires no effort on our part; the inheritance is costly and requires the conquest of our enemies.

Doug stresses the fact that the Lord God is a MAN of war. Many years ago when Doug taught through Exodus, I was inspired to write a song Man of War (https://bookministry1.s3.amazonaws.com/audios/Man+of+War.pdf in case you'd like to see it). He makes the distinction between the finger of God (i.e.: casting out demons), the hand of God (i.e.: dealing with Satan, principalities and powers), and the arm of the Lord (i.e.: redemption). Redemption is not only salvation (i.e.: deliverance from Egypt - or the world) - redemption includes the possessing of the inheritance - that which requires the arm of the Lord.

As Doug recounts the warfare found in Exodus. We must make the connection to the warfare the church is called to as the body of Christ, the Man of war (see 1 Cor. 10:11; 2 Tim. 3:16). The Old Testament is not a storybook of interesting things that happened. It's written and given to us as an example - as instruction for our day, not just history - but HIS story.

The arm of the Lord will be laid bare on behalf of us who are humble: “A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise... I dwell on a high and holy place, and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit... to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word." (Psa. 51:17; Isa. 57:15; 66:2)

Link to today's audio: https://dougriggs.s3.amazonaws.com/Assemblies/6-15-14+Sunday+Assembly.mp3


John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!


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