Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, the Second Man - “It is Finished!” – Part 4 by Pastor Doug Riggs : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, the Second Man - “It is Finished!” – Part 4 by Pastor Doug Riggs

by John Mark on 05/05/24

This message was originally recorded December 22, 2013, the fourth in a series of 8 messages.

My notes:

'Consider Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith' - the One 'who began a good work in us who will bring it to completion', 'the last Adam, the second man, the Lord from heaven' (Hebrews 12:2; Philippians 1:6; 1 Corinthians 15:45, 47). As the second man, "there will be no successor to Him." There are no more humanities than that in Adam and that in Christ. Satan's attempt (since the days of Noah) to modify and manipulate God's creation via hybridization (fallen angels cohabiting with human women to produce offspring) does not create a third species of humanity recognized by God. (Though today's teaching doesn't mention this, I thought it would apply.)

Those who are born once will experience the second death – eternal separation from God in hell - it's the second because all born in Adam are born spiritually dead, our first death. Only those who are born twice will experience eternal life. Therefore, as Jesus said, we 'must be born again'. Our becoming born again is only available to us because of Jesus' becoming born again at His resurrection, 'the firstborn from the dead'.

In Isaiah, Jesus is described as being 'marred more than any man'. You may be surprised to learn this did not refer to what Jesus suffered physically. This is one of the departures from reality and truth the Roman Catholic church takes as it emphasizes the physical suffering and blood of Christ. You'll hear Doug explain the reality as perhaps something you didn't realize before, that the sufferings of Christ go way beyond anything physical. He yielded His soul unto death; the stripes He received were so much more than those from the Roman soldiers. It was the Father's judgment that went immeasurably further than any man could do to Jesus as He became sin on our behalf.

In this message, Doug corrects the common evangelistic message that one must repent of their sins to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. If this sounds not-quite-right to you, you'll hear the explanation in this teaching. Also, how often we hear the gospel presented that Jesus died for our sins without including the fact that Jesus didn't just die for us, but AS US. He took us, the first Adam, into death and into the grave to be left there, forever judged and condemned by God, never to rise again. Jesus as our representative, the last Adam, died, and in newness of life, the new man, the new humanity, as the second man, the Lord from heaven, He was raised and we with Him, a new creation, not the resurrection of the old one. Our water baptism is the symbol we have to illustrate this, though it may not be apparent that we leave the old man behind in the water unless it is explained to us.

The whole human race in Adam was baptized (identified with / incorporated) into Christ's death. When He died, we died. Well, you may say, "I wasn't even born yet! How could I have died 2,000 years ago?" Well, the Bible tells us that when Adam sinned, we sinned. Well, you may say, "How could I have sinned 6,000 or more years ago? I wasn't born yet." If this is new to us, we are learning positional truth. In Adam, the first representative of the corporate human race, we sinned. His sin is accounted to us as our sin. You may think this unfair. Well, 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ, the second man, the second representative of the corporate human race, was crucified. His death is accounted to us as our death. In Adam, we sinned; in Christ's death, we died. This has to do with what Jesus cried out on the cross: "It is finished!"

When we discover we are dead, what do we come to realize we need most? We need life - we need to be born again. When we receive Christ, we are transferred out of the old Adam into the second Adam, the new man in Christ, resurrected out of death into the newness of life in Christ. Christ's death, burial, and resurrection is ours just as if we were right there 2,000 years ago. That's positional truth; now we learn to live out that truth experientially. That's sanctification.

Doug makes this astounding revelation: "On the cross, God took responsibility for allowing Satan to tempt man in the first place; and He took responsibility for man's sin. He took care of both." How did He do that? By the crucifixion of Christ on the cross. So if any of us have any complaints about being charged with Adam's sin, our mouths are shut by this reality. If we don't like being charged with Adam's sin, we'll surely want to claim Jesus' act of righteousness on our behalf when He took care of the debt we owe due to our sin (positional and experiential).

Doug quotes Stephen Kaung: "Our biggest problem is not that we don't have enough strength; it is that we have too much strength." He closes this message with a searching question: "Are we perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord?" 

Doug mentioned a message by Eric Ludy he thought was titled "The Ineffable Name" - it may actually be The Unspeakable Name (

Also recommended: The Celestial Court series (see our Video page)

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John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!