Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, the Second Man - The Ultimate Destiny for Man – Part 8 by Pastor Doug Riggs : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

Jesus Christ, the Last Adam, the Second Man - The Ultimate Destiny for Man – Part 8 by Pastor Doug Riggs

by John Mark on 05/19/24

This message was originally recorded January 15, 2014, the last in a series of 8 messages.

My notes:

Doug begins this installment with a challenge to us that when we share the gospel of salvation with people that we don't miss "the biggest and in the Bible". That and includes 'an inheritance'. We are not saved just so we can go to heaven. Once we're delivered from the dominion of Satan to God, there's an inheritance to be gained. Initial salvation is a free gift that requires absolutely no works on our part; but the inheritance is received only by conquest. Salvation is not unto fire insurance; salvation is unto an inheritance. For Israel, it is a physical land flowing with milk and honey; for the church, it's the unsearchable riches of Christ. He IS our inheritance; but He must be gained (see Philippians 3:8 & 2 Thessalonians 2:14). The inheritance is something we can not gain with our own power and effort. It is because of "the second Man" who declared, "It is finished"; it is His work that we appropriate that gives us our inheritance. "That inheritance is wholly predicated on the name that Jesus inherited," the name above all names. Doug explains how He inherited that name.

Hebrews teaches us that Jesus is the mediator of a new and better covenant; "the better sacrifice... the better hope... the son of man that has obtained all that God originally designed for us as man... fully [having] been realized in Him."

"God's intention is not only that the dominion of the earth but the entire universe be subjected to man." The first Adam failed; the last Adam obtained it as man and for man, the corporate new man in Christ. It won't be long before we actually see this in the soon-coming Millennial Kingdom. God's intention and purpose has been since before the creation of man to crown him with glory and honor. "We are the potential vice-regents that are being prepared to carry out the original thought and purpose of God."

"God is completely singular in His focus. 'I want every redeemed person to be filled with the fulness of God; I want every redeemed person to attain the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ; My desire is that every redeemed person I'm able to crown with glory and honor. And anyone, for whatever reason, [who] is not in a place where they receive that which I desire to give them, will shrink back in shame at My coming."

The perfection of Christ as the second man is transferable to us. "Jesus Christ as man completes God's goal as man for man... Every day that He woke up, He had obedience to the Father first in mind, knowing that He's the template for many sons to be brought to glory... His obedience would become that which could be imparted and mediated by Him as the High Priest through the Holy Spirit for the perfecting of the many sons."

Doug takes us on a journey to understand the biblical term 'perfection'. This term can be better understood as being mature, complete, lacking nothing (i.e.: James 1:4), and therefore is not used in the sense of "sinless perfection". If we are mature and complete in the Lord, it doesn't mean we cannot sin - but we won't want to sin as we abide in Christ. We lay aside that old humanity and put on the Lord Jesus Christ, making no provision for the flesh (Romans 13:14). "We need to allow Him, the Creator, through Jesus Christ, to bear us along to perfection." It's not something we can do on our own. Jesus is the one who mediates and carries us through to His perfection - maturity, completeness, fulness. Jesus Christ, the last Adam, the second man, "is the prince leader, the originator, and the consummator of our faith; the power of that faith by which we also walk."

 Link to today's audio:



John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!


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