Jesus' Flesh - The Way Into the Most Holy Place Into the Very Presence of God – Session 3 by Pastor Doug Riggs : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

Jesus' Flesh - The Way Into the Most Holy Place Into the Very Presence of God – Session 3 by Pastor Doug Riggs

by John Mark on 10/27/24

My notes:

Jesus yielded His life on the cross to the Father's judgment as the last Adam, not only on sin but on sinful humanity, the first man, Adam-life, flesh-life, outer man, our natural soul-life. Jesus offered His flesh as the final comprehensive and final sin offering pictured in the countless blood sacrifices required for many years beginning with Adam and Eve in the garden. It was this sacrifice of His flesh that is equated with the veil in the temple between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies being torn from top to bottom, no longer needed to keep man out from the presence of God. This inaugurated a new access to God for all who would come by faith to enter this most holy place, fellowship with God in Christ Jesus by the indwelling Holy Spirit. This act not only dealt with the sin issue, but the evil forces of darkness. "In the circumcision of Christ, principalities and powers are dealt with, and they're dealt with not only in a judicial way, but dealt with specifically and judicially in terms of a practical way in which the judgment of Satan is practically being executed." Doug explains this briefly in this message, but goes into much more detail in his series The Celestial Court . "The work of the cross is, through the circumcision of the heart, is removing that which represents an interface, a place for Satan... no more place found for him." 

"That which separates us from God is the veil of the flesh. So, He (Jesus) becomes that by taking on our identity. And, so, on the cross, in His death there is the removal of that which represents the whole species in Adam, which is the veil... That which connects Satan with the human race was removed, taken into death, and Satan is rendered completely inoperative; he is rendered powerless." Since we know he still goes about roaring like a lion seeking people to devour, he may not seem so powerless. But if we allow fear to come in, we are giving him a place to attack us. He has no ground, no access in who we are in Christ as the new man, but when we fall back into that old humanity, we find ourselves in peril. "If we choose to walk out in that uncrucified life, he (Satan) has access to us. In Christ it's gone."

"You want to continue on in your carnal ways? There's a time coming, the day of visitation, when the prince of this world will come; and if he can find something in you - it's dinner time, and God's going to allow it." (See Proverbs 1:20-33.) "Satan is God's legal agent to deal with everything in mankind that is legally under the judgment of God. And the flesh has been legally judged. And when we walk in that, we come under legal accusation of the adversary." We might want to argue, 'Yes, but what about Romans 8:1, "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"?' There is no condemnation for those "who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit" (verse 4). But when we are walking in the flesh, Satan has ground to accuse and condemn us. "Satan must be allowed judicially to come and to seek if there's anything he can devour" (1 Peter 5:8), that which is not on the ground of Christ.

As a reminder for any who might be new to hearing Doug's teaching, towards the end of the message he refers to the Greek word exanastasis as the condition of the people of God who will be raptured. He's speaking of Philippians 3:11, "that I may attain to the (out-)resurrection from (among) the dead." This refers to a resurrection before we physically die or experience rapture.

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Recommended Resources:

Eric Sauer: In the Arena of Faith

T. Austin-Sparks' Day by Day (August 1) (available for daily email subscription)


John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!