The Day of Visitation - by Pastor Doug Riggs : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

The Day of Visitation - by Pastor Doug Riggs

by John Mark on 04/14/24

This message was originally recorded January 25, 2015.

      What happens when there is a visitation by God in our lives?

      What is a visitation?... and ‘the day of visitation’?

My notes:

A note on faith: Faith appropriates what God promises even when we don't see it materialize. "He's waiting for us to agree with Him for Him to call into being that which does not yet exist." Faith "pulls God out of eternity into time".

Visitations are recorded in scripture as individual and corporate events.

The visitation prophesied for these last days "is going to draw a sword right between that which is the church functioning independent of Jesus Christ its head [i.e.: Laodicea] and that which is Philadelphia... that prepared remnant - a John the Baptist company - and He's going to thrust them on the stage of world history for the final display and revelation of Jesus Christ. The people themselves are going to be the revelation." "It's that revelation that is going to be the final act of God in the body of Christ that will give Him the justified right and all that He needs to take us out."

The day of visitation is either a visitation of blessing - or a visitation of judgment, depending on the state or condition of those visited by God. It's like a 2-edged sword. In the case of Israel's exodus, that visitation was a blessing and deliverance for Israel and a sword of death to the Egyptians... one visitation with opposite results - blessing on one side; judgment on the other. "Visitation means one thing: God shows up."

"We have a constitution that has been developing through our life based upon choices. The day of visitation will manifest those choices. The day of visitation will manifest our constitution. And it will either be Laodicea, or it's going to be Philadelphia."

In Doug's research on this topic of a day of visitation, he discovered there is no example of it as described by Peter having as yet occurred during the history of the church age. Therefore it is still a future prophetic event not yet realized. "And it will occur before the rapture." This makes me think of how many prophecy teachers I've heard saying there is NO prophecy yet to be realized before Jesus comes - that He can come any time, that all prophecies related to the church have been fulfilled. I can't think of one other than Doug. "You think the rapture can come any moment? It can't happen until the church comes to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ [Eph. 4:13]. It cannot happen until the fulness of the Gentiles come into the body of Christ [Romans 11:25]."

As for the doctrine of imminency, Doug says, "I believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ; but I believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ within the context of a generation, not for any moment within that generation. And since we live in the generation of the coming of the Lord, His return is imminent, but there are things that must be fulfilled before He can return."

Additional examples of that which must precede the rapture of the church: God answering the prayer of Jesus in John 17. We have yet to know anything of this unity as also described in Ephesians 3:14. How about God's enemies being made a footstool under Jesus' feet? (Hebrews 10:13) ... and the God of peace crushing satan under the feet of the church (Romans 16:20)?... all yet to be fulfilled before the Lord comes for His bride.

Link to today's audio:

Following the message was a discussion and further commentary:

Doug talks about the "Disclosure" event, the worldwide unveiling of "aliens" and the possibility this could happen prior to the rapture of the church - and even be used to explain the rapture away as the opportunity for humanity to shed the uninformed and laggards of society from the earth so they can evolve to a new 2.0 humanity, allowing humans to become 'gods'. Doug reminds us that these 'aliens' are not evolved species from other planets, but the hybrids, or Nephilim - the offspring of fallen angels and human women.

From Lori Riggs:

This has to be the most timely and phenomenal message of Doug’s that I’ve heard in a long, long time!  It made my heart burn!!!  I so appreciated being reminded of the study in I Peter all those years ago, and the research on the meaning of ‘visitation’, etc. (I loved all the references that Doug gave from theological books.) This reality - being a ‘John the Baptist company’ - has only increased (exponentially, I might say) in me since Doug’s departure.  There’s nothing else to live for and I’m filled with JOY to be alive solely for the purpose of awaiting that Day when He will call us up to the clouds to meet Him, because WE have had a great deal to do with His being able to do so - by making ourselves ‘ready’ and others, as well!  Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!

P.S.  This message reminds me of the Morning Star Testimony church that I loved, that was good, and wholesome, growing into His likeness, pressing toward the mark! Wonderful memories, for which I thank our great God!

Reigning in Life through the One, Christ Jesus,


Link to Discussion:

Recommended: The Day of Visitation (video presentation & pdf)


John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!


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