The Endurance of Jesus Christ - by Pastor Doug Riggs : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

The Endurance of Jesus Christ - by Pastor Doug Riggs

by John Mark on 07/03/24

This message was originally recorded October 11, 2015.

My notes:

Where is the church? "The church is in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." It isn't in a locality on earth; neither is it something you go to or attend. Doug did a series on What is the Church - the first one produced in video format that goes into this. The church is the body of Christ and we who are a part of the church are members of His body and members one of another. It's organic - not spatial.


Doug explains the definition of 'faith' as that which includes the idea it is "fully stretched out in expectation. 'Hope' has as its undergirding 'faith', but its faith fully stretched with expectation... He (Jesus) is the source of that which inspires the hope in our perseverance, our manly endurance."


When it comes to waiting, Doug tells us "There's something in the soul when it has to wait. It reveals where we are." Here Doug mentions "Joni's testimony", referring to Joni Eareckson Tada. Waiting involves pressure, "And nobody likes pressure because it involves suffering, obviously."


Speaking of the full salvation we are to possess, "The rapture of the church has to be something that is possessed. The territory that represents gaining that possession is blocked by principalities and powers. They have to be displaced in order for this final salvation to be attained. The rapture will hinge upon the certain degree and measure of principalities and powers being displaced in the second heavens." This is all about spiritual warfare, conquest, overcoming, and the church dealing with those who occupy the second heavens which represent where our inheritance is - the place of ruling and reigning with Christ - and doing so is making a way for Christ to return. John the Baptist made a way for Jesus to come to Earth in His 1st Advent; we, the church, must make a way for Him to come for us in what we term the rapture, the culmination of full (final) salvation. "The waiting and the perseverance is all associated with and connected and related to His coming. We're called to gain possession of our Lord Jesus Christ." We don't achieve any of this simply 'getting saved' believing in Jesus and ignoring the fact there's an inheritance to be fought for and won. Sanctification is "a framework for gaining possession of final salvation."


"The entering in to the rule and reign of God, and what it means to be in the future rule and reign of Christ is progressive. We have to pass out of one man into another." It is not automatic when we are born into God's family; it takes time, effort, suffering and endurance to grow up into sonship. We all start out as babes in Christ - then little children... young men... fathers. Our spiritual growth is progressive. Only when we reach maturity are we given the sandals, robe and ring, the authority to administer the Father's business. "This suffering is that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God." This is not pertaining to initial salvation, but sanctification resulting in final salvation.


"The enemy's desire is to destroy us; but God uses the enemy to sanctify us; probably the best tool, the most effective tool God has to sanctify saints, Satan himself." - "The Lord is faithful and He will strengthen and He will protect you from the evil one. So, no matter what the threats are, we can fulfill our assignment and not be concerned about what the threats are from the evil one; and there are many."


Doug expounds on Isaiah 53. Though he doesn't go into this, I wanted to address a Roman Catholic error that places extreme value and worship of the physical blood of Jesus. Scriptures point out that life is in the blood, and Jesus poured out His life unto death. For those who enjoy singing "There is a Fountain", there is no 'fountain of blood'. "There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel’s veins" is not true, nor are sinners "plunged beneath that flood". Neither did "the dying thief" rejoiced "to see that fountain in his day". It is the life (also referred to as soul and soul life) of the Son of Man that was poured out unto death. The Roman soldier who pierced Jesus' side did so after His death, so it wasn't that which saves us, but Jesus pouring out His soul unto death. Isaiah 53:12 says, "He poured out Himself to death". "Himself" is the word nep?, literally translated soul, self, life, soul life. Transubstantiation erroneously teaches that the grape juice mystically transforms into Jesus' physical blood during Mass, similar to our communion table. The cup represents the blood, but never becomes the blood.


We've heard in so many ways about our soul being governed by the desires of our bodies, or us living out from our soul. In that context it is negative - not what we want to do when we've been purchased by the blood of Christ. We want to put to death our soul life and live a spirit filled, spirit led life instead. However, the soul of Jesus was not corrupted by sin as our souls are. His soul was and is perfect. As His soul was brought to maturity, being dependent on Heavenly Father drawing on the Holy Spirit given Him without measure, learning obedience through suffering, He became the sinless offering that paid our sin debt. He poured out His soul life unto death - a pure and undefiled soul governed by His Spirit, out from the power of God.


Another adjustment to consider is the passage in Luke that speaks of Jesus coming to cast fire on the earth. Instead of understanding that to apply to Pentecost and the 'tongues of fire' that appeared over the disciples,  it will be "to purge the earth - to cleanse the earth for His 1,000 year reign." "Fire is always judgment; fire always consumes." We see that happening during the day of the Lord, the 7-year tribulation.


As this message is about the endurance of Jesus Christ, we see the entire Godhead is involved in the incarnation and life of Jesus as the Son of God, Son of Man. "As God - He empties Himself; as Man - He humbles Himself. The cross is in God... The nature and character of that which defines that cross historically is in the Persons of the Godhead."


Resource mentioned: in the shadow of the cross by Glenn M. Penner


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John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!