The Fight of the Faith by T. Austin-Sparks - Chapter 2 - The Nature of Sonship : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

The Fight of the Faith by T. Austin-Sparks - Chapter 2 - The Nature of Sonship

by John Mark on 02/17/24

The Fight of the Faith

by T. Austin-Sparks

Chapter 2 - The Nature of Sonship

Dear Saints,

This message originally posted in December 3, 2014.

My notes:

Brother Sparks, as often stated, once again makes the clear distinction between doctrine and life, between "a Christian system of doctrine" and true faith. Christianity is not a set of rules and regulations. Christianity is a Person, Jesus Christ, and His life lived out in us, His body. Neither is the Christian life to be being born again and remaining in infancy. "...sonship, in the New Testament sense, is something more than being born into a family; it is growing up in that family, and carries with it the feature of spiritual maturity." Salvation is not a 'get-out-of-hell and go-to-heaven' pass as many seem to limit it to. Neither is it a 'get-saved-and-get-others-saved' calling. There's the on-high call of in Christ Jesus we press on toward as a goal not yet attained (Philippians 3:14). As we 'press on' we discover it isn't by our strength and power, but it is God at work in us (Philippians 1:6). This is faith - pressing on with the ability God provides.

"The more we go on with God, which means the more we live in the Spirit, and the more spiritual growth and maturity takes place in us, the deeper will be our consciousness of utter dependence upon God for our life, and for everything in the realm of our relationship with Him... it is not in us to be Christians, not in us to live a life in the Spirit, not in us to go on with God. It must all come right out from Himself."

Doug takes a break from the reading to explain the triunity of God, the three Persons of the Godhead, co-dependent and co-eternal... three-in-one and one-in-three.

Continuing on with the text, we see the obstacle to this life of faith and our progression into sonship is pride - wanting to live apart from being dependent on God. "Pride hates a life of dependence. Pride cannot bear to have to look outside of itself for everything. Pride must have the root of things in itself."

What is sonship? Sonship is what we see of Jesus, "kneeling down to wash the feet of His disciples." "The person who is really growing spiritually is not the person who is becoming something important spiritually. The one who is growing is the one who is growing in the servant dependent spirit more and more. The one who can get down lowest is the one who is really getting up highest.

Discussion: Several in attendance were very blessed and edified in hearing this message. Doug challenged us to not be hearers only, but to be doers of what we hear. 





Recommended Resources:

T. Austin-Sparks: We Beheld His Glory (Vol. 1 & 2)


Eric Ludy: The Old Servant

John Mark
...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!