The Fight of the Faith by T. Austin-Sparks - Chapter 4 - Revelation in Relation to Sonship : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

The Fight of the Faith by T. Austin-Sparks - Chapter 4 - Revelation in Relation to Sonship

by John Mark on 02/18/24

The Fight of the Faith

by T. Austin-Sparks

Chapter 4 - Revelation in Relation to Sonship

Dear Saints,

This message originally posted December 11, 2014.

My notes:

Brother Sparks defines sonship from many perspectives, and in this message helps us understand that it is a very personal thing, not about what others are experiencing. "'In our hearts' - that is where sonship begins, and it is that which is sonship from beginning to end; an initial thing where we leap clear of everything that is second-hand and the thing becomes first-hand, and where it grows and grows and never stops growing as a first-hand thing. That is sonship. If you understand and can grasp what that means, then you know what sonship is."

As he describes fresh revelation as that also which is very personal, "as though the thing revealed had never been before, and no one else in all God's universe had ever heard or seen it", I very clearly recall in my earlier Christian life driving down Lewis Ave. in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and spotting a large truck with a sign, "JESUS IS LORD". It was a sudden reality I somehow had missed up to that point. Had you asked me if I believed in the deity of Christ, I'd have quickly said Yes - but this was different. It became a fresh new spiritual understanding that was all mine - as if I was the first person on Earth to have realized it.

This experience happened again before Morning Star Testimony Church was born. Attending another assembly where Doug and Lori went, at that time I thought he was a heretic and needed to be exposed. As I sat in a bible study led by him right there in my living room, ready to jot down everything he said was in error, he began his message with "Then there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one will be left." When he said the one taken is the one taken into judgment and the other left to enter into the Millennial kingdom, the exact opposite I had to that point believed, I instantly knew I was hearing the voice of the Good Shepherd. I knew it was true. It was such as Brother Sparks is speaking of - a new revelation spoken right into my heart. That's when I discovered Doug was no heretic - and not long thereafter he became God's gift to me as my pastor-teacher who would shepherd me for forty years.

In this message, Brother Sparks speaks of "fresh revelation". It might help to point out that he is not speaking of the error prevalent in some of the churches in our day who receive what they call 'revelation from God' that is additional to the written word of God and what they consider to be on the same level of truth as the Bible. As the Apostle Paul prays that God "may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the [full] knowledge of Him" (Ephesians 1:17), this would be that "fresh revelation" of what is written, not some new God-breathed, inspired word of/from God. "Let us be very careful that we do not give the impression that we think that we are constituted by a special revelation which none of the Lord's people elsewhere have had or have. That is not the case, nor is that our idea at all. What we do seek to stand and live for is that the full revelation of the Lord Jesus shall come in our case in such a living way as to remove us altogether from merely traditional ground, and put us on to living ground. That is what it means, that the thing is living." Doug refers to it as "the act of the Holy Spirit bringing specific spiritual illumination... causing the eyes of our heart to be illuminated" (Ephesians 1:18).

In Doug's commentary following this message, he referred to the next series of messages he planned on going through, The Testimony and Its Vessel unto the Time of the End by T. Austin-Sparks. That may be next I edit and re-post after the upcoming last chapter in this series - Chapter 5 - The Mystery of the Gospel.


Recommended Resources:

Erich Sauer: In the Arena of Faith

F.B. Meyer: Moses: The Servant of God