The Kingdom of God and the Church - by Pastor Doug Riggs : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

The Kingdom of God and the Church - by Pastor Doug Riggs

by John Mark on 06/26/24

This message was originally recorded August 23, 2015.

My notes:

As we are being conformed into the image of Christ (Romans 8:29) and Christ is being formed in us (Galatians 4:19) during our life prior to our receiving glorified bodies, "The resurrection body will display the measure in which we have been organically grown together and united with Christ in the likeness of His death and His resurrection. And there are vast measures of differences." We will not all be the same in resurrection. The kingdom of God will have "from the least to the greatest" (Hebrews 8:11); "star differs from star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead." (1 Corinthians 15:41-42)


When we are born again, we are part of that new creation in Christ where there is neither Gentile nor Jew. "There's no more roots as to what we are as Gentiles or as Jews... In Him, both Jew and Gentile as a new creation are reconciled to God... both disappear in Christ."


Some may think it impossible or insane for Satan to believe he can defeat God. Doug explains in detail the conflict of the ages that began long before man was created. After Satan rebelled, he was cast from his lofty position as the highest cherub that covered the glory of God. In so doing, God judged and convicted him and those angels who followed him in rebellion as guilty and sentenced them to the lake of fire. It was specifically created for them - not mankind not yet created. Satan appealed his conviction. As a result, God created man and the saga of this conflict has been playing out for 6,000 years. The criterion for the denial of Satan's appeal is man, especially those God created to be a part of His family, and the proof of Satan's guilt being the violence against them, and the pathological attempt to exterminate mankind, trying to prove God a liar. If there are no Christians for Jesus to come back to, or if no Jews to rescue at the end of the day of the Lord, it would establish a basis for acquittal. However, we know the end of the story and the outcome of the conflict. Satan fails and the sentence is ultimately and forever carried out. Obviously Doug tells the story much better. My "Cliff Notes" version only scratches the surface. You can also learn a lot from Doug's series The Celestial Court (on the Video Page).


Here's something you don't hear every day - the actual name of the soon-to-be-revealed Antichrist. Doug deciphers the scriptural reference to him in Daniel and found consistent corroborating testimony from many of the SRA survivors he counselled. Remember, in antiquity, the name of someone describes their nature and character. Elsewhere Doug has established the Antichrist as well as the false prophet to be Nephilim (hybrids) not fully human, who will be indwelt by Satan to carry out their mission during the day of the Lord. Scriptural proof can be seen comparing Hebrews 9:27 with Revelation 19:20. If they were human, they would have to appear at the great white throne judgment before being cast into the lake of fire.


Doug also explains that during the day of the Lord when the mark of the beast is required for all those who want to cooperate with the one world system, it will be that which alters their DNA and cause them to become hybridized, thus no longer being fully human, and therefore unredeemable. Some, present company included, believe the current shot to be formulated during the tribulation to become this agent to transform mankind into Übermensch Human 2.0. In the October 1, 2018 issue of Forbes Magazine, an article titled "Faster Than You Think. Will You Evolve with The Times?", Ray Kurzweil is quoted, “The Singularity will represent the culmination of the merger of our biological thinking and existence with our technology, resulting in a world that is still human but that transcends our biological roots.” Anyone with any spiritual (and even unspiritual) discernment can see we are on the precipice of the day of the Lord.


The church is being constituted as the administrative body of Christ to be participants in the judgments executed during the day of the Lord. Doug connects the 24 thrones and 24 elders in Revelation with the thrones set up in Daniel for the destruction of Antichrist and his kingdom. The completed priesthood of the church called to be kings and priests is given judgment over the earth and of angels. "We are a scepter in the hand of the KING of kings by which He exercises royal dominion... We are the extension of His throne. That is, we in those characteristics as overcomers." When it's time for Jesus to overthrow the Antichrist at the end of the day of the Lord, "When He slays the Antichrist with the breath of His mouth, that breath comes through a body that's glorified." The kingdom of Antichrist will be judged and overthrown by the Son of Man, Jesus Christ in union with His body, the church. "And we as church age believers have been created into that one new man."


Link to Audio:


Resource mentioned: Why Did Jesus Call Himself the Son of Man?   

Link to Article by Don Stewart:



John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!