The Testimony and Its Vessel unto the Time of the End - by T. Austin-Sparks : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

The Testimony and Its Vessel unto the Time of the End - by T. Austin-Sparks

by John Mark on 03/03/24

Chapter 3 - The Basic Principle of Spiritual Effectiveness

Dear Saints,

This message originally posted in December 24, 2014.

My notes:

Once again Brother Sparks challenges where we are in terms of moral correspondence with Jesus Christ, not in the positional sense as to who we are in Christ, but who we are in our day-to-day life and experience. "No life can be spiritually effective, can count for God in the spiritual realm, bring in the government of God, can uphold or maintain or advance the testimony of Jesus, stand against the powers of darkness, bring the consummation of the ages nearer, which is the overthrow of the whole satanic kingdom and the bringing in of the universal rule of the heavens, only in so far as that life is in a position of absolute separation from everything in that realm against which that testimony of Jesus stands. If you have one link, one point of contact voluntarily with that system through any medium, you are crippled, you are paralyzed."

If you break down this sentence into a list of our potentiality as to sonship, those who are spiritually mature and equipped, it’s a real eye-opener. You’ll hear Lori in the Discussion referring to this also:

ü  bring in the government of God (i.e.: the personal rule and reign of Jesus Christ in the millennial kingdom – see 2 Peter 3:12);

ü  uphold the testimony of Jesus;

ü  maintain the testimony of Jesus;

ü  advance the testimony of Jesus;

ü  stand against the powers of darkness;

ü  bring the consummation of the ages nearer;

ü  overthrow of the whole satanic kingdom;

ü  bring in the universal rule of the heavens (now as well as the millennial kingdom).

"Just think, that all the mighty power of the God of the heavens, the kingdom of the God of the heavens is suspended in our lives if there is a questionable thing between us and the Lord, a thing about which we have doubt. Yes, we bind the hands of heaven if we are not absolutely clear on every detail with the Lord and there is not the most complete break at every point with that whole system against which we are here as a vessel of the testimony. Holiness is necessary, separation is necessary; an uncompromising attitude between everything that the Devil offers as a link between us and his system." As Daniel "purposed in his heart" - and he didn't even have the indwelling Holy Spirit as we do - so may we purpose in our hearts to be separated from the world, the devil, and the flesh and live our lives as those who honor God - vessels of honor.

This message goes down deep into the core of our souls – or shall I make it personal? – it went down deep into the core of my soul. Am I hearing from the Lord as He touches that in my life that needs adjustment, correction, or even painful circumcision? Am I willing to discover those issues in my life corrupted with an earth-touch – or worse, a satanic-touch? – and am I willing to cooperate with the Lord as He ‘scourges’ me and make the adjustments and corrections He puts His finger on?

“My son, do not regard lightly the [instructive] discipline (child training; ‘whipping was accepted, along with other disciplinary measures’) of the Lord, nor faint when you are reproved* by Him; for those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and he scourges (‘to beat with a whip’) every son whom He receives.” (Hebrews 12:5-6)

This is again repeated in Revelation 3:19, “Those whom I love (phile? - ????? – a relationship love; ‘a love founded in admiration, veneration, esteem’), I reprove* and discipline.”

*Note: reproved – “generally with a suggestion of shame of the person convicted; by conviction to bring to the light, to expose; to reprehend severely, chide, admonish, reprove; to call to account, show one his fault, demand an explanation; to chasten, to punish.

"You want God to come in? God will come in in the measure in which you go out. The heavens will come in in so far as we are emptied and stripped of all natural resources, and if we are emptied out to the last drop, that may be God's way of making room for a larger manifestation of heaven."

"When you are weak and conscious of personal helplessness, that is not the time to throw up your hands and say: ‘I am no good for anything and never shall be,’ that is the time to say there is plenty of room for the Lord, and to exercise faith in the Lord to come in, and the Lord's providences and sovereignty operate along the line of weakening us to make us strong."

This message has so much to do with the cross. “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.” This is discipleship – being a follower of Jesus. The cross is the negative side of discipleship – but resurrection is the result. As the cross was not the end of Jesus’ life, the cross is not the end of ours; it’s a means to an end. Our decrease results in the increase of Christ in our lives.

I believe you will also enjoy listening to the discussion that followed.

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Link to Discussion: