WARNING!!! To the Church : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

WARNING!!! To the Church

by John Mark on 03/13/24

Dear Saints,

I wanted to share a few thoughts that I believe the Lord has put on my heart. As we all have been blessed by the ministry God entrusted to Doug over the 40 years he was our pastor, that ministry continues in a sense as we continue to listen to past messages he gave. Doug’s primary responsibility as a pastor was to feed us sheep, and to protect us. Though he did so much more than that, I wanted to center in on these two aspects of ministry to the flock God assigned to Doug, those who continue to feed at this table.

Continuing the ministry of providing spiritual food, I think it is very important to consider what protection we might need in the days, weeks, and months ahead. I’m not including ‘years’ as I don’t believe we’ll be here on planet Earth that long. As Doug has so clearly taught us over the years (i.e.: https://www.dougriggs.org/Videos.html), there is to be expected ‘the day of visitation’ (1 Peter 2:12) prior to our being snatched up to meet our Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17). The desire we have is to be among the surviving remnant, the bride who has made herself ready (Revelation 19:7). In this coming day of visitation, as Doug so clearly taught us from the Word, it will be a ‘fiery ordeal’ (1 Peter 4:12-17) as God brings judgment on the church. For those waking in the truth, we expect it to bring blessing and protection. For those not so inclined, a day of great shaking (Hebrews 12:25-29) and loss of life (Revelation 2:16, 22-23; 3:3, 10, 16).

We all remember March four years ago – how could we forget? The world hit the brakes as it came under the spell of a well-contrived and devious plan. I believe in some ways it was a ‘beta test’ to see if the strategy would work. It was a clear example of the ‘Hegelian Dialectic’ – in order to reach a certain goal (i.e.: the world under the control of a single ruler), they produced the crisis and managed how it would be handled. It worked only too well. We all fell for it. The spirit of fear permeated the atmosphere around the globe. Churches closed; we were in lock-down; we were at the mercy of the dictates of the World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control, the World Economic Forum, pharma, etc., all in lock-step to shut everything down. Another example of the Hegelian Dialectic was to create the crisis (the sickness); manage the response (wear masks, social distance, etc.); and provide the solution (the shot heard round the world).

As this rapidly and unexpectedly unfolded, Doug did a lot of research to determine the best course of action. As we continued to want to assemble in our homes, it was recommended we all keep our phones at home, or at least turned off (I purchased a flip-phone for such use) so we couldn’t be tracked. It was believed that unlawful assembly could result in fines – and eventually the possibility of imprisonment. It’s happening in other countries; why not expect it to happen here? It happened in the January 6 event. In my Facebook account no one sees, I warned people before the event to not bring their cell phones. Look what happened to those who did. Many are in jail or prison for participating.

Doug also researched the shot we were all encouraged – and some mandated – to take. He warned us that this was not legitimate and it could bring much harm to those who got it. This proved to be the case (see VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website). I invite you to peruse what was reported as to adverse events after taking the shot – estimated to be as much as 10% of cases down to 1%) here’s a link to the Excel spreadsheet: https://unpublished1.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/2023+VAERS+SYMPTOMS.xlsx. It’s not a pretty picture, and includes only cases actually reported in the one year, 2023.

In my opinion, I believe the event four years ago was the beginning of the day of the Lord, but in God’s providence and patience, gave the ‘shot across the bow’ (pun intended) to let us know we need to prepare ourselves for what is coming. Doug truly was for us a ‘watchman’ on the wall (see Ezekiel 33). Another watchman has been pastor J.D. Farag. He does his homework and has faithfully been disseminating valuable information as to what we need to be wary of in these dark days of deception and lies. If you aren’t a regular listener to his weekly Bible Prophecy Updates, I’d recommend you listen at least to the last couple updates. I fully concur with him when he warns people to not take the flu or ‘covid’ shots.

Each of us are responsible to the Lord as to what we take into our physical bodies. As a stewardship, we have to protect these temples of the Holy Spirit (John 2:21 cp 1 Corinthians 6:19). But what about those who’ve taken it either in ignorance of what is in the shots, or were forced to in order to keep their jobs. I am convinced that in God’s grace, the One who changed water into wine, is the One who can change poison into water (2 Kings 4:38-41). My advice (in agreement with JD) is to not take another. For those who are threatened to lose their employment, I’d say we need to trust the Lord more than we trust our employer. If God was responsible in arranging for us to have this job, can He not be trusted to either overrule the threat, or even provide something better? For some of us, perhaps we need to endure the test and trial of loss of possessions. The point is, we need to fear the Lord more than we fear man. “The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the LORD will be exalted” (Proverbs 29:25).

I hope this brings more hope than dread as we consider where we are in history and what soon to expect.

John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!