Worship vs. Idolatry - by Doug Riggs : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

Worship vs. Idolatry - by Doug Riggs

by John Mark on 08/14/24

This message was originally recorded May 15, 2016.

My notes:

What is the supreme purpose and reason the Holy Spirit came? "He came to reveal the things of Christ; He comes as the person and presence of Jesus Christ corporately in the body and bride of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is physically in heaven; but spiritually, through the Holy Spirit, He's in every member of the body of Christ."

As we consider what it is to worship God in spirit and in truth - becoming experientially that bride of Christ without spot (sins) nor wrinkle (the old man), making herself ready for His coming, we also need to consider the effect of idolatry. This doesn't only pertain to unbelievers. What about believers caught up in idolatry? "There's no way that God's fullness and blessing can be with His people as long as there's idolatry." The Old Testament is full of examples of God's judgment on those in covenant relationship with Him involved in idolatry. "Idolatry is death to anything of God. Idolatry is displacing God as the source of life, the source of blessing, the source of everything."

"Anything that displaces - or is a substitute - for God having first place in our hearts and life is, in principle, idolatry... Idolatry is worshiping the creature rather than the Creator."

As I listen to this message about how Satan, the dragon, has captured the morning star in members of the body of Christ who were (are) part of the Genesis-6 Project, I wonder who else in the world has this perspective? How many bible teachers know the depth of the spiritual hijacking taking place in the body and bride of Christ to keep that morning star from arising in our hearts, continuing Satan's attempt to corrupt the church so Jesus will have no bride to come for, one without spot or wrinkle. We know He will have that bride who prepares herself, but there may be many casualties who do not come out from the idolatry, deception and captivity of the enemy. "Satan has captured worship that should go to the only true uncreated being in this universe, God."

A couple posts ago, in my notes on Inheriting a More Excellent Name, I referred to Satan's right to rule and reign over this earth. Doug continues, "It is his legal right - this world. That's why we are not of the world, even as Jesus is not of the world. To whatever degree we're of the world - or worldly - Satan has dominion over that. (If) we're in the flesh, Satan has dominion over that. When we're in the spirit, he can't touch us."

As Doug is certainly appealing to any who have been caught up in Satan's captivity to worship him in rituals, those of us who don't have that history might be tempted to zone out and say, "That's not me." We should consider the fact that anything that comes in between our utter devotion and worship of the Lord Most High is idolatry. Even "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft (divination), and stubbornness (insubordination) is as iniquity and idolatry" (1 Samuel 15:23).

Doug confronts our unwillingness to share the gospel with strangers - or especially those we consider friends. I am not saying I've arrived - I'm far from arriving - but there is one way I've used that seems to be effective. As the opportunity arises with servers at restaurants, especially when I'm with another believer, I might say, "My friend and I like to pray before we eat. Is there anything you'd like us to pray about?" Other times I'll notice someone's name and if I know what it means in Hebrew or Greek, I'll comment and let them know. Sometimes it breaks the ice and we can talk. Perhaps you might think to use these in your interactions.

Doug uses the Old Testament to give the background of the result of idolatry in our lives - ultimately it is our premature removal from this life; the end of our days before we finish our course; the loss of reward and the inheritance God intended for us to have for eternity. This applied to Israel as it was delivered from Egypt and given the land of promise. However, idolatry drove them out of the land and they forfeited their inheritance. Clearly in the New Testament, we have many warnings against idolatry and the same warning - the loss of reward and inheritance. We are once again reminded to put off the old man, the sin nature prone to idolatry; and to put on the new man in Christ - the nature of Christ expressed in us to love and worship God.

Link to Audio:

Link to Discussion: http://d1kefhswa49zcj.cloudfront.net/assemblies/5-15-16+discussion.mp3

Resources mentioned:

Doug's article, The Brokenhearted (https://www.dougriggs.org/The_Brokenhearted.pdf)



John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!