"Ye Are Come to Zion" - by T. Austin-Sparks : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

"Ye Are Come to Zion" - by T. Austin-Sparks

by John Mark on 03/13/24

Chapter 2 - Our Inheritance

Dear Saints,

This message originally posted September 21, 2014.

My notes:

As God placed Adam into the Garden of Eden and he was told to cultivate it and to guard it, so we, also, when we are placed into Christ at our new birth, "We have a stewardship and a responsibility to cultivate that life; to cultivate that which will bring us into a deeper abiding union and fellowship with Him, and then to guard it. We need to guard our relationship by the manner in which we walk."

As Brother Sparks speaks of our entering into God's rest, rather than inaction, he adds, "if we are going to find rest in service, it must be very heart-satisfying service. Well, that is home. It is the place of rest, it's the place of abiding. These are the things, with many other features of what "home" means, which we are supposed to find in Christ."

Speaking about possessing our inheritance, Doug commented, "That garden (Eden) represented a place where Adam was to exercise dominion. And so, we have to dispossess principalities and powers to come into the fulness of our inheritance in Christ... That inheritance is inherently characterological, not just about knowledge, but about a nature to be possessed." Brother Sparks adds, "[It is] to be possessed, in the first place, to be exploited; that is, it's got to be taken up and made to yield its inherent and its intrinsic values."

As Brother Sparks was speaking of the battles we experience, even those in our gatherings, he asserts, "We'd see changes in our gatherings if we are sensitive enough to register the encroachment of death and know then that's the time for us is to do something; not to accept it, but to do something: exploit Life." However, I'm reminded of 2 Corinthians 4:11-12, "For we who live are constantly being handed over to death because of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our mortal flesh. So death works in us, but life in you." Not to contradict Brother Sparks, but this is 'the other side of the coin'. There are those times we experience death, but when we know life is registering in others because of it, we can endure and patiently wait for the Lord.

"The justification of Life is in the measure of Christ in others through us." Think about this - re-read it. Why am I here? Why am I alive? What is my purpose? What is the justification for me here and now? Can it be, that in some way, other's measure of the reality of Christ in them is somehow connected to me and my relationship to them? Remember Ephesians 4:16: "the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love." Brother Sparks continues, "That is the justification of our existence, and the vindication of God in giving Life. Life... oh, it's a challenge isn't it? It's a test, but here it is: the Family is in view." Wow!

"Oh, dear friends, covet above all things that you shall not be an end in yourself, but there will be many who, by the grace of God, can attribute their spiritual Life to you as a channel. You make it your real business in life to see that there are many who have received Life through you. That is the justification of our existence, that is the vindication of God in giving us Life at all. Indeed, it is the vindication of the Cross of Christ." This so clearly identifies what I am called to do as a 'joint of supply', a tiny little artery that connects this vital spiritual food from Doug, Sparks, and others, via the website and YouTube channel to saints all around the world. It is my joy, privilege and honor. And, there are many of you who are joints of supply connecting others to this ministry. Isn't it amazing how we are one body, connected to each other this way??

Want to know what "Zion" means? Doug goes into a helpful explanation midway through this audio recording. "Zion is always the ideal of what Israel should become." However, 'Zion' isn't a term limited to Israel. I see Zion as it relates to the body of Christ, not as the church in general, but as the remnant made up of overcomers, those conformed to the image of Christ and Christ being fully formed in them. As you'll hear, both Doug & Sparks go into much more than that. For example, "Zion, therefore, is not only all that God has accomplished in Christ and all that Christ means in Himself of God, Zion comes in the next place to mean a people in the good of that... we have come to be a people in the good of all that God has provided and accomplished in His Son. It is the sum of God's salvation enjoyed by a people."

In Doug's closing, we should consider praying with him, "Father, show each one of us that as we live day in and day out, how do we cultivate this Life and this place in Christ, and how do we guard it? Show us what it means to 'gird up our loins for action'... and what it means to 'press for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus'; what it means for us 'to apprehend that for which we've been apprehended in Christ'."


Doug shared the impact another message he'd been reading by T. Austin-Sparks had on him, The Church of the Firstborn (https://www.austin-sparks.net/english/books/church_of_the_firstborn_the.html).

We are not just to come to learn about our Lord, not to gather facts and fill notebooks about Jesus Christ and not just be able to quote many bible verses or pontificate on how much we know. We are to bear His Name. What we know about Him is to become an experiential reality, so when people see us, they see Jesus; when we speak, people hear Jesus; how we act when circumstances hit us unexpectedly, people see Jesus respond. It will be the glory of Christ expressed in us that will be manifested when He comes for us. 'We will enter into the sufferings of Jesus Christ; that we will so become one with the nature of Christ, the character of Christ, that wherever we go, we bear the Name of Christ. And to bear the Name is a characterological reference to our whole conduct and our whole being.'

I'm reminded of that amazing passage in 2 Corinthians 4:6-11: "For God, who said, 'Light shall shine out of darkness,' is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves; we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh." So, are people seeing the life of Jesus, the treasure? ... or the earthen vessel – especially when we are afflicted, perplexed, persecuted, struck down, and delivered over to death?

Link to Audio: https://dougriggs.s3.amazonaws.com/Assemblies/9-21-14+Sunday+Assembly.mp3

Link to Discussion: https://dougriggs.s3.amazonaws.com/Assemblies/9-21-14+Sunday+Assembly-discussion.mp3