"Ye Are Come to Zion" - by T. Austin-Sparks : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

"Ye Are Come to Zion" - by T. Austin-Sparks

by John Mark on 03/31/24

Chapter 7 - Zion's Destiny

Dear Saints,

This message was originally recorded October 12, 2014.

My notes:

In his introduction to this message, Doug recounts the history leading up to David conquering the last and most formidable Jebusite stronghold, which then became Zion, the City of David. It required the unification of the kingdom. Jump over to the end of the church age and its final campaign to defeat the spiritual inhabitants - squatters, principalities and powers in heavenly places - of the stronghold of Zion now in the church, we read in Jesus' prayer that we may be one even as He is one with the Father. This corresponds with Ephesians 4:13, "until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the [full, mature, complete] knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ." This unification of the church will only happen after 'that which can be shaken' (i.e.: that which is not according to Christ) 'will be shaken'. Doug taught us the scriptures that refer to this as the day of visitation yet to be fulfilled in these last days of the church age. (Wow!... see how all this fits together??)

In this chapter, Brother Sparks clearly defines Zion as it relates to Israel, and then makes the distinction of that which is mentioned in the New Testament as relating to the church, "to another one: a superior, transcendent Zion, the heavenly Jeru­salem, the spiritual Zion. 'Ye are come to Zion'. And coming to Zion, amongst all the other things that it means, means coming to that very thing, coming to the eternal counterpart of the temporal, that Divine choosing, that Divine electing, that Divine calling, that Divine, that heavenly, destiny." As Israel's kingdom was prepared for her from the foundation of the world (Matthew 25:34), the church was chosen in Christ from before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4).

As Brother Sparks speaks of "election, choosing and calling", I'm reminded of something he said in a different message about predestination, a word that unnecessarily begets arguments and ultimately formation of opposing denominations. When he said that wherever you find that word in the New Testament, it doesn't apply to individual people, but only to the corporate church. Instead of getting sideways with arguing about whether or not God predestines those who will be saved and predestines (i.e.: pre-determines) those who will go to Hell, it's not about that at all. It's the church that has a predetermined predestined destiny - and that's what this message is about. "...we are called, we are chosen, we are related to some tremendous destiny"; and Doug adds, "that is, an eternal vocation that will define our faithfulness on earth in time in the ages to come... who we became in Christ in time." Our individual destiny is ours in Christ (i.e.: positional), but the reaching of that destiny is determined by what choices we made and how much we were conformed to the image of Christ (experiential).

[Sparks] "'Look here: walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called'. Make this something that comes into your every day life, and it will redeem your every day life from the ordinary, from the monotony, from the trivial; it will lift you right up on to another level. You know that you are, as a child of God, related to some tremendous purpose. And you've got to live on the basis of a great purpose."

Brother Sparks reminds us of the importance of corporate relatedness, that our Christian life is not independent nor isolated from other members of the body of Christ. "And it's in that relatedness that we shall come into our purpose in God, and we shall come into this mighty sense that God is after something. He's after something, and that we are related to that. It's relatedness, you see, that is essential to this motive, to this purpose."

Brother Sparks defines 'Zion' in many ways. Here are a few examples, "Zion is a means to God's larger, greater ends." "Zion is the testimony, living testimony to, and expression of, His Son in fulness." "Zion is that which will be the occasion of the overthrow of the whole kingdom of satan." "God must have a ground of argument with satan, Zion is that." Doug adds, "It's where God's eyes are; it's where His heart is; it's where His dwelling place is; where He is central and at home."


T. Austin-Sparks' The Cross and Higher Ground

Filled Unto All the Fulness of God

Watchman Nee's The Normal Christian Life

Link to today's audio: https://dougriggs.s3.amazonaws.com/Assemblies/10-12-14+Sunday+Assembly.mp3


John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!


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