You Have Need of Endurance - by Pastor Doug Riggs : Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

You Have Need of Endurance - by Pastor Doug Riggs

by John Mark on 06/30/24

This message was originally recorded October 4, 2015.

My notes:

"We all face various testing where we have to abide under the pressure and the testing that life circumstances bring our way, and that's daily; we all face various circumstances that the Lord is calling us to remain under - to abide under - to be steadfast and to persevere with manly endurance."


Over the years, Doug has taught us that as we study scripture how we need to know the interpretation - the who, what, when, where, and why (i.e.: context) - and also the application(s) that we can apply. In other words, in the Gospels, since the church is a mystery and not yet revealed, the passages that indicate the end of the age are by interpretation speaking of Israel's eschatology, not that of the church. However, "we need to understand that God's provision for them and warnings and exhortations apply to us (the church) at the end of this age."


Once again we are warned, "There is a judgment that is coming upon the church very soon, as we see the consummation of the age before us, nation rising against nation, and the prophecies of those nations that are now gathering around Israel prophesied in Ezekiel 38 and 39 happening today."


So what about endurance? What does that look like? Endurance requires us "to continue to abide and remain under the circumstances that God has sovereignly placed you in, to remain under... to remain under... to remain under while the soul continues to die." We have need of endurance; "not a change of circumstances... or another way out where we can find a better life, so our soul can feel better." As for our soul life needing to die, "don't forget that death is not the end; it's the means to an end." The result of that dying to self is the resurrection life of Christ. "You want God to change your circumstances? You'll give up sonship. Our circumstances are not the issue. What is God training us; what is the discipline (child-training) of the Lord in those circumstances? What's He trying to teach us? Is it pleasant? No! The soul is dying."


What is God waiting for in sending His Son to come for His bride? "He's waiting for that which represents as soul-governed church to accept crucifixion with Christ, and come on to the ground of Jesus Christ in a state of exanastasis (Philippians 3:11). That's what He's waiting for. A church that will be raptured will be wholly on the ground of resurrection spiritually, not physically. A church that is governed by the life of the soul is not going to stand at the end."


Speaking of Hebrews, "it has everything to do with the inheritance - the whole book has to do with inheritance, full reward. It's a race that's set before us." The race requires perseverance and endurance. "There's a race set before us, and there's a joy set before Him. What is that joy? 'I must be perfected; I must go through to God's full end as Man for man so that the Father can bring many sons to glory. The joy of giving to the Father - many sons." For the joy, Jesus endured. "Are we enduring anything that's greater than what He has endured?"


Endurance for overcomers results in reigning with Christ. "’If we endure with Him (2 Timothy 1:12), we shall reign as kings.’ Endurance - reigning. ‘If we suffer with Him, we shall be glorified with Him’" (Romans 8:17).


Link to Audio:


A rich discussion followed with plenty of jewels that relate to the message:


Recommended: JD Farag recently gave a very good message on the suffering church of Smyrna (Rev. 2:8-11):



John Mark

...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!