Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes
Doug Riggs - Former Pastor of Morning Star Testimony Church
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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church

Morning Star Testimony - Sermon Notes

The Testimony and Its Vessel unto the Time of the End - by T. Austin-Sparks

by John Mark on 02/28/24

Chapter 2 - Hell's Hatred of the Vessel of Testimony

Dear Saints,

This message originally posted in December 17, 2014. This was the second session for that day – and I have to say you are in for a real treat! Please forgive me for not being brief in my notes… I definitely got carried away.

My notes:

If you were thinking our individual Christian lives don't really amount to much in the 'big picture' of eternity, think again. Brother Sparks encourages us with an alternative: "Do you realize and recognize that you in all the weakness, the feebleness, the poverty, the insignificance of your own personal life, your own human constitution, your position, if vitally, truly spiritually linked in with God's eternal purpose in and concerning His Son Jesus Christ, chosen in Him before the foundation of the world, called by grace and having responded to that call, a partaker of the heavenly calling, you are moving with God in the Holy Ghost, if that is true of you then you are a part of that vessel through which the government of the heavens is being made manifest in the unseen, and vitally related to the course of this world's history, giving significance to all the happenings of the course of this world; that you are spiritually what Daniel and his three companions were in Babylon." Adding to this, he says, "That is no small calling for you or for me."

Brother Sparks continues to enlighten us as to our significant calling and what it requires: "There has got to be something in our relationship to heaven and God's specified purpose which makes possible the manifestation of that mighty, devil-conquering life in us. We have got to know the power of His resurrection. That is essential to the vessel of the testimony at the end time, unto the end, to get through to the end: it means that we must be that in which the power of His resurrection is manifested. That is not merely an obligation, that is a privilege. It is a costly privilege, but that is what the Lord needs."

As for the end of the church age - that which we certainly are in - Brother Sparks speaks of a testimony to be, manifested in the church, the body of Christ, where death is swallowed up in life - resurrection life: "You and I are called to be a part of that vessel in which the power of His resurrection is manifested, that the murderous plottings of hell are eluded, are overcome, and that the murderer who comes out to destroy before the Lord's purposes are accomplished shall be baffled by the power of His resurrection in us. When we ought to have been dead a dozen times we are still alive. Yes, the Lord wants an adequate vessel for that..."

So what is keeping us from becoming such an 'adequate' vessel? The longer we remain spiritual babies feeding on mothers' milk (1 Cor. 3:1-3; Heb. 5:12-13), the longer it will take for the church to "attain to the unity of the faith, and of the [full] knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ." (Eph. 4:13) Remember, all who are born again are children of God; but not all children are adult sons capable of carrying on the Father's business.

When the three refused to obey the law requiring them to serve the gods of the Babylonians nor bow down to its image, did God deliver them FROM the seeming certainty of a very painful death? "Not that they are delivered from the fiery furnace - keep that in mind - not that God comes in and opens a way of escape for them, but the Son of God associates Himself with them in the fire, and the result is that everything goes down before them morally and they come out as kings, they reign morally." God delivered them THROUGH it, not from it. "God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." Such 'escape' isn't from it, but through it. "Because you (Philadelphia) have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing..." (Revelation 3:10) - ["from" = ?? (ek) i.e.: from the midst of - not apo (i.e.: from without)]

 "The distinction is largely seen in this, that apo suggests a starting point from without, ek from within; this meaning is often involved in apo, but apo does not give prominence to the "within-ness," as ek usually does." [Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words]

Later in the message, Brother Sparks adds, "The sovereignty of the heavens does not always work by delivering us out of the trouble. It comes in through the trouble. It is through the trouble that the heavens come in. God gets more by it than by delivering us from it."

God is seeking Daniel companies - those who will take "a strong, though costly stand ... at great cost, which may involve you in a good deal of suffering", "men and women who will take a personal stand, at any cost, upon what they know to be according to the mind of God." This is not easy when we worry about what others will think, what others will say, or how we might be persecuted. "Will the Lord require that? If so, that is the only ground for me to act upon." And when we take such a stand, we just might discover that others around us are influenced to join with us when they see our willingness to be obedient at such cost.

I was struck with this warning from Brother Sparks and recognize this is not just something by the way, but is essential to having authority and power in our lives: "Any professing child of God who has some compromising thing in their life, something that forms a link, be it ever so small, between them and the spiritual system back of this world, they are robbed of power with God and with men and it is not until that thing is dealt with and thoroughly put away that they have any kind of spiritual or moral ascendancy. Until that thing is repudiated from the heart God cannot come in and communicate Himself to them."

"Now what is the dominion of the Son of man over the antichrist in the Church, the vessel? It is the absolute distinctiveness of that vessel, separation, holiness; its complete break with the whole system of the Evil One at every point, and not allowing one touch of defilement with that system." Even though the church will not be here to face the one Antichrist, as the Apostle John tells us there are many antichrists - and the spirit of this age is antichrist. Did you notice Brother Sparks identifying "the antichrist in the church"?

Speaking of our need to walk in holiness and moral ascendancy, Brother Sparks lays out some very practical advice as to what to do when the enemy seeks to draw us out: "He will put a temptation in your way, he will put a suggestion into your mind, he will make suggestions to you, put thoughts into you. In thousands of different ways he puts out a gangway, and he wants you to cross that gangway, to accept that gangway, a link between you and his system. There is no wrong in temptation, beloved, most believers know what it is to have evil thoughts suggested to their minds. It does not mean they have sinned because an evil thought has been suggested, but at the point where they entertain that, respond to that, allow that, they have sinned and made a link with the enemy, and before long that very link is the means of their undoing, their weakness, breakdown, and not until they get back to the Lord and say: 'I allowed that to linger, I added another to it.' or in some way the enemy put out, and we took on, and that has been completely dealt with, wiped out by the Blood, we do not get back our position. The rule of the heavens through the instrument in overthrowing the power of evil demands no defilement, no contact." As he speaks of a 'gangway', we should remember Ephesians 4:26: "do not give the devil an opportunity" (i.e.: ground; a place; power; license).

Brother Sparks continues: "the basic principle of spiritual and moral ascendancy, of dominion, of overthrowing the power of the enemy, of having authority over all the power of the Devil is not in our language, our phraseology, is not the volume of our voice, the forcefulness of our effort, our manner, it is the moral purity of our lives."

He nears the end of this message with this word of encouragement: "The testimony means that up to the hilt there must be no compromise on moral principles; you may stand to suffer, it may be a den of lions. Ah yes, but stand, and in the end you will stand and the other things will have gone, but you will be there. Heaven is on your side; you may lose for the time being, but heaven is on your side and the kingdoms of this world will pass, but the kingdom of the God of heavens is an everlasting kingdom, and it is a kingdom to be given to you if you will stand." Four times we read in the Book of Daniel that "the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He chooses", and once adds, "and sets over it the lowest of men". Wow!

Of this message, Doug says, "That's as hefty as it gets! That's pure gold!" I definitely agree!

Recommended Resource:

T. Austin-Sparks: The Supreme Vocation

Eric Ludy: The Two Trees

Link to Audio:

The Testimony and Its Vessel unto the Time of the End by T. Austin-Sparks

by John Mark on 02/25/24

Chapter 1 - The Abiding Message of the Book of Daniel

Dear Saints,

This message originally posted in December 17, 2014. Doug mentioned his desire to move from the last series of messages, The Fight of the Faith, on to this series. I’m certain you won’t be disappointed he selected this as next.

My notes:

As we take this journey into the prophecies of the Book of Daniel, Doug answers the question, Why are we here? "We're being prepared for that final release of divine power for the destruction of the kingdoms of this world so the Lord and His Christ can take the helm of world history."

Though the church and the age of grace (i.e.: the church age) is hidden as a mystery throughout the Old Testament (the 'sacred secret' - we heard that message in the last post), once we came to the time where the mystery is revealed, we can now see the bigger picture of what the Old Testament reveals. They didn't know what all this meant back then - but since the revelation of the mystery was entrusted to the Apostle Paul, we can now be in the good of such great revelation when we read and study the Old Testament.

As the church should expect tribulation and persecution (John 16:33; Romans 5:3; 12:12), Brother Sparks further defines its source, "If you come by the Holy Spirit into God's immediate age-purpose spiritually, livingly, and range yourself with Christ as Lord, to be a witness unto Him and His Lordship in this earth, you range yourself against hell and hell at once takes account of you and you become an object of significance and importance."

Are we are willing to be a 'Daniel instrument' in these last days? - a company of believers that gather on a regular basis as a prayer ministry to the Lord and be brought "into a living and experimental (experiential) relationship to Himself" as the One who will consummate this age? "Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God..." (2 Peter 3:11-12). As we can see from this passage, we have the opportunity to hasten the coming of the Lord by our conduct and testimony. Though the destiny of Israel was foreknown and foretold, it took a Daniel to pray three times a day for 69 years. Beginning in 1727, the Moravians prayed 24/7 for 110 years* and the result was the reformation - the age of Philadelphia (Rev. 3:7-13).

“God does nothing but in answer to prayer.”  John Wesley

“It is on prayer that the promises wait for their fulfilment, the Kingdom waits for its coming, and the glory of God waits for its full revelation.” Andrew Murray (With Christ in the School of Prayer)


Link to Audio:

The Fight of the Faith by T. Austin-Sparks - Chapter 5 - The Mystery of the Gospel

by John Mark on 02/21/24

The Fight of the Faith

by T. Austin-Sparks

Chapter 5 - The Mystery of the Gospel

Dear Saints,

This message was originally posted on December 14, 2014. As I was editing it and preparing for this post, I have to say I was blown away both by what Brother Sparks presented as well as what Doug shared. I can say this is one of the most intense, comprehensive, confrontational and challenging of all of Doug’s expositions.

My notes:

For those who might not yet know what 'mystery' means in the New Testament, and what it doesn't mean, we might want to take a step back before proceeding. As we see in the scriptures, it has several applications: 'the mystery of the kingdom of God' (Mark 4:11); 'the mystery' (Romans 16:25; Ephesians 3:3; Colossians 1:26); 'this mystery' (Romans 11:25; Colossians 1:27); 'a mystery' (1 Corinthians 2:7); 'a great mystery' (Ephesians 5:32); 'the mystery of His will' (Ephesians 1:9); 'the mystery of [the] Christ'  (Ephesians 3:4; Colossians 4:3); 'the mystery of the gospel' (Ephesians 6:19); 'the mystery of God' (Colossians 2:2; Revelation 10:7); 'the mystery of iniquity' (2 Thessalonians 2:7); 'the mystery of the faith' (1 Timothy 3:9); 'the mystery of godliness' (1 Titus 3:16); 'the mystery of the seven stars' (Revelation 1:20); 'the mystery of the woman and of the beast' (Revelation 11:25).

Better understood, 'mystery' means a sacred secret kept until a time revealed by the Holy Spirit, and it is available for all to come to know, not limited to an elite class. 'Mystery' is not something kept secret for only a few to come to know. Though we cannot explore each instance noted above where the word 'mystery' is used, we will focus on that pertaining to Brother Sparks' message. When it comes to 'the mystery of the Christ' (i.e. ‘mystery of the church’; ‘mystery of the gospel’), it doesn't come to us merely from an intellectual pursuit, but a 'spirit of revelation' as Paul prays in Ephesians 1, an illumination of the eyes of our heart. Though we are to diligently study the word of God so as to handle it accurately (2 Timothy 2:15), we need spiritual revelation and illumination to not only know it mentally, but to know it experientially. The Apostle Paul, after exhausting the Greek language and failing to describe the unsearchable riches of Christ, resorts to prayer, that "God ... may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation (unveiling) in the [full, mature] knowledge of Him, the eyes of our heart having been illuminated, so that you may know...". Understanding 'the mystery' requires 'full knowledge' (epi-gnosis). This is what Doug taught us years ago, as I noted in my Bible:

   Epignosis (?????????) = absolute obedience and response of the whole person, volition, as well as the mind to the personal will of God. It is the apprehension of the revelation of the Person of God in Jesus Christ and becomes a matter of personal relationship and fellowship with God, not merely an abject intellectual assent to God. Epignosis is both the condition and result of growing conformity into the derived image and manifestation of Jesus Christ.

In the introduction prior to the reading of the message by Brother Sparks, after reading the relevant scriptures, Doug explains aspects of "the mystery" and its revelation and realization being the very foundation and reason for establishing Morning Star Testimony Church.

As Brother Sparks addresses the poor, unsatisfactory, inadequate and shallow condition of the church in 1943 when he gave this message, Doug takes it further as he sees a very real issue is the lack of assemblies having a weekly corporate prayer gathering to deal with the condition of the church. "Without a corporate prayer meeting, everything you're doing (pastor) may be right and may be something according to the word of God, but it will lack any power and effectiveness. There'll be no testimony of Jesus there. - I mean NO testimony of Jesus." Doug picks that up again with "Every prayer meeting is a hastening of the coming day of God in its functional representation of the heart and mind of God or it's a failure. No prayer meeting that does not accelerate history forward as an instrument in God's hand for the consummation is a complete failure - utterly a failure."

Brother Sparks challenges the emphasis on evangelism at the cost of discipleship and spiritual growth that results in sonship. "Today, and for a long time, evangelical leaders have put all the emphasis, or the main emphasis, upon getting people saved. They are interested in that more than anything else, and that is the direction of their main occupation. With what result? That we see a most unsatisfactory state among Christians, and that too in the face of the fact that the very existence of the New Testament itself is the evidence that to bring converted people to full spiritual growth is as important as bringing them to new birth."

I am only scratching the surface of this power-packed message. You will miss much listening only once through. Pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation before you listen to this message – and every time you listen to it. I am convinced it is one of the most vital and important messages we are so privileged to receive from these two brothers now in glory.

At the conclusion of Doug's commentary on this message, he shares his deep respect and appreciation of Brother Sparks' as his spiritual father, one whose ministry is apostolic and so rare.

In the Discussion, Doug challenges us to take inventory as to who it is we're wanting to please; ourselves? ... or God. "There's not an effort to please God and to be pleasing to God if we're abiding in the One who pleased Him. And if we're not abiding in Him, then 'Lord, what work of the cross do you need to do in me so that I get out of Adam - out of what I am - into Christ, the One who's already pleased You. And if I'm walking in fellowship and abiding in the One who pleased You, I'm going to share in Your pleasure. My fulfillment will come when You obtain the riches of the glory of Your inheritance in me." "When Christ has adequately been formed in my life, then I will experience the Father's pleasure." 

Doug shared a couple times along with a few in the assembly - definitely worth listening to. However, the audio recorded was not easy to listen to as the microphone was not near enough to each speaker, but I did what I could to help make it a bit better.


Discussion Audio:

Recommended Resources:

The Day of Visitation series (see the Video Page)

T. Austin-Sparks: Vocational Fellowship

John Mark
...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!

The Fight of the Faith by T. Austin-Sparks - Chapter 4 - Revelation in Relation to Sonship

by John Mark on 02/18/24

The Fight of the Faith

by T. Austin-Sparks

Chapter 4 - Revelation in Relation to Sonship

Dear Saints,

This message originally posted December 11, 2014.

My notes:

Brother Sparks defines sonship from many perspectives, and in this message helps us understand that it is a very personal thing, not about what others are experiencing. "'In our hearts' - that is where sonship begins, and it is that which is sonship from beginning to end; an initial thing where we leap clear of everything that is second-hand and the thing becomes first-hand, and where it grows and grows and never stops growing as a first-hand thing. That is sonship. If you understand and can grasp what that means, then you know what sonship is."

As he describes fresh revelation as that also which is very personal, "as though the thing revealed had never been before, and no one else in all God's universe had ever heard or seen it", I very clearly recall in my earlier Christian life driving down Lewis Ave. in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and spotting a large truck with a sign, "JESUS IS LORD". It was a sudden reality I somehow had missed up to that point. Had you asked me if I believed in the deity of Christ, I'd have quickly said Yes - but this was different. It became a fresh new spiritual understanding that was all mine - as if I was the first person on Earth to have realized it.

This experience happened again before Morning Star Testimony Church was born. Attending another assembly where Doug and Lori went, at that time I thought he was a heretic and needed to be exposed. As I sat in a bible study led by him right there in my living room, ready to jot down everything he said was in error, he began his message with "Then there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one will be left." When he said the one taken is the one taken into judgment and the other left to enter into the Millennial kingdom, the exact opposite I had to that point believed, I instantly knew I was hearing the voice of the Good Shepherd. I knew it was true. It was such as Brother Sparks is speaking of - a new revelation spoken right into my heart. That's when I discovered Doug was no heretic - and not long thereafter he became God's gift to me as my pastor-teacher who would shepherd me for forty years.

In this message, Brother Sparks speaks of "fresh revelation". It might help to point out that he is not speaking of the error prevalent in some of the churches in our day who receive what they call 'revelation from God' that is additional to the written word of God and what they consider to be on the same level of truth as the Bible. As the Apostle Paul prays that God "may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the [full] knowledge of Him" (Ephesians 1:17), this would be that "fresh revelation" of what is written, not some new God-breathed, inspired word of/from God. "Let us be very careful that we do not give the impression that we think that we are constituted by a special revelation which none of the Lord's people elsewhere have had or have. That is not the case, nor is that our idea at all. What we do seek to stand and live for is that the full revelation of the Lord Jesus shall come in our case in such a living way as to remove us altogether from merely traditional ground, and put us on to living ground. That is what it means, that the thing is living." Doug refers to it as "the act of the Holy Spirit bringing specific spiritual illumination... causing the eyes of our heart to be illuminated" (Ephesians 1:18).

In Doug's commentary following this message, he referred to the next series of messages he planned on going through, The Testimony and Its Vessel unto the Time of the End by T. Austin-Sparks. That may be next I edit and re-post after the upcoming last chapter in this series - Chapter 5 - The Mystery of the Gospel.


Recommended Resources:

Erich Sauer: In the Arena of Faith

F.B. Meyer: Moses: The Servant of God

The Fight of the Faith by T. Austin-Sparks - Chapter 3 - The Liberty of Sons

by John Mark on 02/17/24

The Fight of the Faith

by T. Austin-Sparks

Chapter 3 - The Liberty of Sons

Dear Saints,

This message originally posted in December 7, 2014.

My notes:

Sonship has everything to do with the coming of the Lord for His bride. She must be ready ("having made herself ready" Revelation 19:7) without spot (sin) or wrinkle (that 'old man') (Ephesians 5:27). Sonship is going to corporately be expressed in the manifestation of the sons of God (not the 'children' of God) of which the creation awaits eagerly (Romans 8:19). Sonship is us individually and corporately where Christ is fully formed in us (Galatians 4:19) and we are conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29), as we, the church, the body of Christ, "attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13). Sonship is when "the morning star arises in your hearts" (2 Peter 1:19).

But what is required for children of God to attain this sonship? A circumcised heart - coming into the reality of our death 2,000 years ago when we died in Christ as our representative. Jesus not only took the sin-filled humanity of Adam's race into death, He also took the very best Adam has to offer. It's only that which comes to life in resurrection that qualifies for sonship, the out-resurrection from among those who are dead (Philippians 3:11). Doug explains this in his introduction to Chapter 3, and later in the reading mentions that which will finally bring the church, actually only a remnant, to ultimate and final sonship, the day of visitation (1 Peter 2:12).

"Sonship, with all that God means by sonship, is what is in view, and over against it there is this breaking in continually of things religious, subtle, beautiful, with all the argument that God is in them; but, nevertheless, breaking in with one object, all hidden from sight, namely, to cut right across the path of the believer in his going right on to God's fullest thought in sonship; and it sets up a warfare."

Pertaining to what Brother Sparks addresses as the greatest enemy of sonship, Doug shares what his former pastor taught, "Religion is God's greatest enemy; religion is Satan's ace trump against the purpose and plan of God." Doug continues to expound on this: religion - not Satanism - is this greatest enemy. "Where do you find Satanism? In a church that's religious. Where does the Illuminati meet? It meets in the body of Christ. It doesn't have to meet in hidden placed, although it does. But when it does, who's there? Members of the body of Christ. Do you want to find where Satan is hidden? You'll find him hidden in the church."

You'll recall I recently re-published Doug's series on the Weaponization of the Body of Christ. That goes well with this chapter.

In the Discussion, Doug brings up Hebrews 13:13, "let us go out to Him outside the camp". "What is 'the camp' in Hebrews 13? It's the camp of established religion. In that day it was Judaism; today it's Christianity."

Doug takes on the false teaching of 'Calvinists' that don't understand the entire Book of Hebrews was written to Christians (i.e.: “brethren”). "And if you don't get that, it's because you don't understand the difference between salvation and the inheritance." After challenging the Calvinists, Doug takes on the Arminian false doctrine that teaches that those who are saved, those who have eternal life, can at some point lose their salvation. Doug was never shy about confronting false teaching (and false teachers).

"Where are we today? God's going to shake that which can be shaken. What is that? Christianity as it's known today... What do you think He's going to consume when He shakes the church? That which is of created things - created by man; that which is still anchored in the soul; that which hasn't transitioned experientially from Adam to Christ. It's coming. It's coming globally to the entire body of Christ."

In addition to Brother Sparks repeating the warning in Hebrews to Christians wanting to go back to the Torah and Jewish rituals and practice, Doug presses the point during the reading portion of the message and even more assertively in the Discussion. "People today saying we need to go back to the Torah; you're going to die if you believe that! You're going to fall into the hands of the living God and you're going to find out that the Torah was given for one purpose, Galatians Chapter 4, as a school-master to bring you to Christ."

There is so much in both the reading & commentary on Brother Sparks' message and the Discussion. It's one of many of the audio recordings we need to go back to from time to time to be able to digest what's there. I feel like apologizing for not being able to even closely provide adequate notes - but as you listen, I believe you'll know why.



Recommended Resources:

Eric Ludy: The Koine Jesus

T. Austin-Sparks: The Gold of the Sanctuary

That Which Cannot be Shaken (Doug probably is referring to

The Risen Lord and the Things Which Cannot be Shaken)

John Mark
...hereby committing this unto the providential care of the enthroned Head of the Church; whose Name is blessed forevermore, Yeshua Mashiach - Jesus Christ!