Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church
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Recorded at Morning Star Testimony Church, Syracuse, NY 
Welcome Visitors !!!
The Incarnation: It's Meaning and Significance

The  Rule of the Heavens  by T. Austin-Sparks 

Sunday Assembly (12/31/17)
Chapters 3 - 4     Chapter 5   -  Discussion

Wednesday Assembly Chapters 1 & 2 (12/27/17) 
The Way Unto God's Fullness in Christ 

Sunday Assembly  (2-4-18)   Discussion 

Wednesday Assembly (1-31-18) 

Sunday Assembly  (1/28/18)  Discussion  

Wednesday Assembly  (1/24/18) 
The Testimony and Its Vessel 
Unto the Time of the End    by T. Austin-Sparks 

Sunday Assemby  Commentary / Chapter 4 (finish)  (1/14/18)  - Discussion 

Wednesday Assembly  Chapters 3 & 4 (partial) (1/10/18)  - Discussion 

Sunday Assembly  Chapter 2  (1/7/18)  -  Discussion 

Links to Resources Mentioned (by T. Austin-Sparks): 
The Recovery of the Lord's Testimony in Fullness

Nehemiah - A Living Message for God's People Today

Wednesday Assembly  Chapter 1   (1/3/18) 
In Everything - Give Thanks to God In Christ Jesus

Message by Paul Washer  (1/21/18)  Discussion 
The  Goings of God  by T. Austin-Sparks 

Wednesday Assembly  (2/28/18)  Discussion 

Sunday Assembly   (2/25/18)   Commentary/Discussion 

Resource Link:  The Autobiography of Paul Hattaway 

Thursday Assembly  (2/22/18)   Discussion 

Sunday Assembly  (2/18/18)   Discussion 

Resource Link: "Hedged" - Job 1   by Pastor Jack Taylor  

Tuesday Assembly (2/6/18)  Discussion 
The Cry of the Elect  by T. Austin-Sparks 
Wednesday Assembly    (3/7/18)
God's Inheritance of Glory in Sons  by T. Austin-Sparks 

Sunday Assembly (3/11/18)
Part 1 /Chapter 1   -  Discussion 

Thursday Assembly (3-16-18) 
Part 1 / Chapter 2 - Part 2 / Chapter 3  - Discussion 

Sunday Assembly (3/18/18) 
Part 2 / Chapter 4  -  Discussion 

Wednesday Assembly (3/21/18)
Part 2 / Chapter 5  -  Discussion

Jesus - The Man With a Name Much Greater Than Angels 
Crowned with Glory and Honor - The Divine Destiny of the Bride of Christ

Wednesday Assembly (Part 2 - 3/28/18) 

Sunday Assembly  (Part 1 - 3/25/18) Discussion 

Resource Mentioned: "Nehemiah"
Resurrection - The Power of God That Raised Christ From the Dead 

Wednesday Assembly (4/4/18) 

Sunday Assembly (4/1/18)  Discussion
Measured and Weighed - According to Christ

Sunday Assembly  (4/29/18)   Discussion 

Wednesday Assembly  4/25/18  

Sunday Assembly (4/22/18) --> Part 1  -  Discussion  -  Part 2 

Wednesday Assembly  (4/18/18) 

Sunday Assembly  (4/15/18)

Related Resources:  Righteousness - a Word Study

Eric Sauer:  In the Arena of Faith 

Wednesday Assembly   (4/11/18)   Discussion 

 ​Resource Mentioned: Marriage of the Lamb 

Sunday Assembly Part 1    (4/8/18)     Part 2        Discussion 

Resources Mentioned: "He That is Spiritual"

Eric Ludy (Link to video) "The Perilous Mission"  (Click here for Link to Downloadable file)
The Weaponization 
of the Bride and Body of Christ

Sunday Assembly (Conclusion)  (5/13/18)    Discussion 

  Sunday Assembly    (5/6/18)   Discussion  

Satan's Strategy - Stealing the Neshamah 
God's Strategy - Rescuing the Neshamah and Weaponizing It 
To Defeat His Enemies

Resources Mentioned: Coming to Zion  ------- and ------->

Coming to Zion  by T. Austin-Sparks 
Wednesday Assembly  (5/10/18)  Discussion  
Spiritual Travail  by Harry Foster

Wednesday Assembly 5/16/18 
Taking the High-Ground Through Faith 

Called According To Purpose - by T. Austin-Sparks Commentary

"That I May Know Him" - Wednesday Assembly  (5/30/18)

Sunday Assembly   Part 1 (5/27/18)  Discussion 

Part 2    -   Discussion 

 Resource mentioned: Walking on Water - Jack Taylor
The Fruit of His Travail  

Sunday Assembly 6/3/18 - Discussion 
Building in Troublous Times

Sunday Assembly 6/6/18 - Discussion  

Resources Mentioned: The Living God and the Battle for Life   /   The Name of the Lord 
"By My Spirit"  by T. Austin-Sparks

Sunday Assembly (7/1/18)  -  Chapter 9  -  Discussion 

Resources Mentioned: 
Art Katz - "The Privilege of Injustice"  /  Eric Ludy "The Man of Smashed Head"

Thursday Assembly (6/28/18)  Chapter 8  -  Discussion 

Sunday Assembly (6/24/18)  -  Chapter 7   -   Discussion 

Wednesday Assembly (6-20-18)  Chapter 5 & 6   -   Discussion 

Resource Mentioned: "Seek Meekness" 

Sunday Assembly (6-17-18) - Introduction  -  Chapter 3  -  Comments 

Chapter 4   -   Discussion 

Resources:  "Not by Might, Nor by Power, But by My Spirit"  -  Divine Love  - 

The Forgotten Father  -  The Giving Gift  

Wednesday Assembly  Chapter 2  (6/13/18)   Discussion 

Sunday Assembly: 6/10/18  Introduction - Discussion  

"By My Spirit"  Chapter 1 -  Discussion

Resources Mentioned: The Candlestick All of Gold   /   Into the Heart of God 

Jacob I Have Loved   /    The Insanity of God  
"Not by Might, Nor by Power, But by My Spirit"   T. Austin-Sparks

Wednesday Assembly  Chapter 8  -  7/11/18  -  Discussion 

Sunday Assembly Chapter 7  -  7/8/18  -  Discussion

Thursday Assembly Chapter 6  -  7/5/18 - Discussion 
Making Known His Power and Coming (2 Peter 1:16-19)  

Sunday Assembly  (7-15-18)  Part 1   -   Part2   - Discussion 

Resources Mentioned: Prayer and Conflict  

The King of the Earth   -   Don't Waste Your Sorrows
Prayer and Conflict   by T. Austin-Sparks  
Recorded in South Africa
Sunday Assembly 7/29/18 - Discussion 
The Parable of the Talents  by T. Austin-Sparks  

Sunday Assembly 8/5/18 - Discussion 
A Biblical Perspective on Counseling SRA/DID 
for Pastors, Counselors and Church Families

Sunday Assembly Intro  -   Message (Audio)  - Discussion 
The Humility and Meekness of Jesus

Wednesday Assembly   (8/22/18) 

Sunday Assembly 8/19/18 - Lori: Cape Town Seminar 7/22/18

Resource Recommended: Born from Above by T. Austin-Sparks
Born From Above  by T. Austin-Sparks

Wednesday Assembly  (Continue Part 2)  (11/7/18)  -  Discussion

Resource: God's Eternal Purpose   by Phil Beach 

Sunday Assembly (Continue Part 2) (11/4/18) -  Discussion 

Resources: Jacob I Have Loved  - and Called Unto the Fellowship of His Son 

Thursday Assembly - Part 2 - Chapter 4 (11-1-18) - Discussion 

Resource Recommended: The Great Transition From One Humanity to Another 

Sunday Assembly  (9/2/18)  -   Discussion 

Resource Recommended: Coming into the Fulness of Christ  by T. Austin-Sparks 

  Wednesday Assembly  (8/29/18)  -  Discussion 

Sunday Assembly (8/26/18) - Discussion 
The Eternal Covenant  by T. Austin-Sparks  

Wednesday Assembly - Preparation for The Lord's Table 9/5/18
Coming into the Fulness of Christ  by T. Austin-Sparks  

Sunday Assembly  9/9/18 -  Discussion 
What is God Waiting For?

Wednesday Assembly  -  Part 4   9-26-18  -  Discussion 

Sunday Assembly  -  Part 3   9-23-18   - Discussion 

Resource Mentioned: The Horizon of Christ by T. Austin-Sparks

Wednesday Assembly - Part 2  9-19-18 

"How could a good and loving God allow to continue on the horrific things that are happening to God's people? What is He waiting for?  Why does He choose to allow this to go on?  Where is His OUTRAGE against these atrocities?  When will He act on behalf of His people? 

"He's waiting FOR YOU, Christians - us!"

Sunday Assembly  Part 1  9-16-18 

Resource Mentioned: The Cry of the Elect  by T. Austin-Sparks 
The Horizon of Christ - Chapter 10 - His Coming Again by T. Austin-Sparks 

Sunday Assembly  10/14/18 -  Discussion 
The Biblical Protocol for Corporate Forgiveness 
Corporate Responsibility for Action to be Taken When There Has Been 
a Cause of  Corporate Sorrow, Offence and Pain
Wednesday Assembly 

Persecution Blog:
Sabina's Forgiveness
The Fight of Faith - Chapter 5 - The Mystery of the Gospel by T. Austin-Sparks 

Sunday Assembly  10/28/18 -  Discussion 

Resource Mentioned: Born from Above   -   Part 1   -   Part 2
God's Eternal Purpose  by Phil Beach

Sunday Assembly  11/11/18 -  Discussion 
A Heavenly Calling  by T. Austin-Sparks 

Wednesday Assembly  11/14/18 -  Discussion 
Expelling Darkness  by Russ Dizdar 

Sunday Assembly  11/18/18 -  Discussion 
The Fullness of God in Christ  in the Christian  by Doug Riggs 

Sunday Assembly  Part 2  -  11/25/18

Resource: The Christian Life, Christian Service, and the Church  by T. Austin-Sparks

Wednesday Assembly  Part 1 - 11/21/18 
God’s Way and Purpose in Preparing His Most Valued Servants 
as SONS!  by Doug Riggs 

Sunday Assembly  -  12/2/18  -  Discussion 

Resource: The Grace of God  by T. Austin-Sparks
Becoming a People Prepared for the Lord    by Doug Riggs 

Wednesday Assembly  -  12/5/18

A People Ready and Prepared for the Lord   by Doug Riggs 

Sunday Assembly - 12/23/18
Note: Doug will be reading the mentioned article at a later date

Wednesday Assembly  -  12/19/18 - "How Can We Make It To the Summit?"

Sunday Assembly  -  12/16/18  -  Discussion 

Sunday Assembly  -  12/9/18  -  Discussion 

Resources Mentioned: 

Teaching on Depression

In Christ by T. Austin-Sparks

The Lord's Assembly by T. Austin-Sparks The Lord's Assembly Part 2 

Note: this is continued 12/26/18
Note: this is continued from 11/7/18
Ministry Archives  2018