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Ministry for the End Times
Doug Riggs, Pastor, Morning Star Testimony Church
These messages include: Pre-Tribulation Rapture / Disclosure Event / End-Time Deception & Apostasy / Global Persecution & Judgment upon the Church
Resources Mentioned:
"If God is so powerful and so good, why do bad things happen?"
Voddie Baucham answers the age old question: If God is so powerful and good, why do bad things happen?
Voddie Baucham's message "The Supremacy of Christ and Truth in a Postmodern World" was given at the 2006 Desiring God National Conference.
Ministry Archives
2012 - 2014
Resource Mentioned:
Dan reads from a sermon titled: "Satan Considering the Saints" by C.H. Spurgeon with comments. (Special thanks to Gloria Fulford for sending me this article ~ You will need a dictionary for some of Spurgeon's vocabulary!)  Doug
After over a decade the Lord directed me to reconnect with brother Al Whittinghill. As a result of this providential re-connecting with Al I am including his timely email which I received on March 25th. It is urgent that we take seriously the exhortation and instruction that our brother has presented to us KNOWING that the time is VERY short before God's final eschatological shaking engulfs the Body of Christ world-wide! (Rom. 13:11-14 w/ Heb. 12:25-29 w/ 1 Pet. 4:17 w/ Rev. 3:14-22 w/ 19:7 w/ Eph. 5:25-27)
Doug Riggs

Al Whittinghill:
[email protected]
The Meaning of Christ 
by T. Austin-Sparks 

Link to Website Document
The Crisis of Pentecost and the Significance 
of the 
Holy Spirit's 
by T. Austin-Sparks 
 Link to 
 Website Document
6/23 Sun. Assembly
7/7 Sun. Assembly Chapter 6
7/10 Wed. Assembly Chapter 7
Reckoning With Truth - Eric Ludy Sunday, October 31, 2010 It was an extraordinary week on the Ellerslie campus. God's presence was sweet and intimately near, but also deeply soul-searching and convicting. It was an entire week on our faces, beholding the holiness and yet also the amazing grace of our Beloved. Amidst this campus-wide revival, the enemy attempted, with great energy and ammunition, to counter the forward steps of the saints. This led to a showdown, a classic gunslinging shootout between the best lies of Hell and the best Truths of Heaven. This message is an introduction to the facts that never fail, the Word that never returns void, and the Truth that truly does make the Christian free. Because, in such a showdown - the Cross of Christ always proves victorious.

Link to Reckoning With Truth website audio 
Link to An Amazing Week at Ellerslie website audio

The Law of The Spirit of Life In Christ - Part 3 - C.J.B. Harrison / H. Foster

Lori mentioned in our assembly time 7/21
Position and Power: The Power of His Resurrection by T. Austin-Sparks
9/8/2013 Sunday Assembly The Revelation of the Mystery 
Sermon by Eric Ludy (link)  /  PDF (link)  /  Assembly Discussion (mp3)
The Battle for Life by T. Austin-Sparks 
Link to
9/18/2013 Wednesday Assembly Trip to Germany Aug. 24 - Sep. 6 2013
Report & Update (mp3)
9/18/2013 Wednesday Assembly The Fulness of Christ 
by T. Austin-Sparks - Link / Reading & Discussion (mp3)
The Christian Life - A Warfare by T. Austin-Sparks
Link to article
Sunday 9-22 Chapter 1   &   Chapter 2
Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.  Matthew 16.18 

Gates serve as entrance and exit. Neither Hades nor death can hold on to believers or the church, because the incorruptible life has already been manifested in them (see 2 Tim. 1.10). This incorruptible life has come out of Hades. For the Lord has the authority to have His life enter in and exit out of Hades at will. Hades has no power to hold back this life. And what has been deposited in the believer is the very same life. For this reason, Hades cannot withhold us either. However vicious the environment—trial, persecution, malice, murder, and so forth—and though we may be walled in on all sides, we shall have a life which can neither be withheld nor overcome by any environment.                                                                                                                   by Watchman Nee
Wednesday 10-2 

Chapter 6  & Chapter 7 
Ministry in Phoenix 10/4/2013
Message, Questions, and Discussion
"Embracing New Life" Interview with Naghmeh Abedini (wife of Saeed, imprisoned for Christ in Iran)
Part 1 (YouTube)    Part 2 (Youtube)
Wednesday 9-25

 Chapter 3      Chapter 4
God’s End-time Strategy for Overcomers in the Church 
to re-claim Mt. Zion in final preparation for the Coming of the Lord to this earth to establish His 1000 year kingdom reign.
(Isa. 25: 6-7 w/ 34:8 w/ Zech. 1:14-17 w/ 12-14 w/ Isa. 2:1-4)
Sunday 10/20/13 Assembly  -  Discussion that followed
The Manifold Wonder of Law - Eric Ludy  - Link to Sermon
Eric Ludy stated at the end of this message that the fitting title should be 
“The Manifold Wonder of Our God”

Sunday 10/27/13 Assembly: 
Introduction to Deuteronomy and the Giving of the Law - mp3
Spiritual Principles from Deuteronomy (mp3's)  Sunday 11/24

#1 Sunday Assembly  11/3/13  #2 Discussion  /  Sunday 11/10
The Way of Wisdom by T. Austin-Sparks (mp3's)
Sun. 11/24 #1   Wed. 27th # 2   Sun. 12/1 #3  Sun. 12/8 Conclusion
Jesus Christ - The Last Adam - The Second Man

12/11/13 (# 1)   -   12/15 (# 2)   -  12/18 (#3)  -  12/22 (#4)

12/29/13 Assembly (#5)  Discussion - Study Notes (pdf-file)

Sunday 1/5 "The Measure of the Stature of the Fullness of Christ" (#6)

Sunday 1/12 Warning of Judgment Coming on the Church (#7)

Wednesday 1/15 Assembly (#8)
The Organic Nature of the New Creation
Sunday Assembly 3/2 Part 1        Wednesday 3/5 Part 2
The Essential Newness of the New Creation  by T. Austin-Sparks (Link to book)
Complimentary message by Mr. Sparks to our current teaching series utilizing the same subject title
The Importance of Corp. Prayer  & The Significance of Corp. Prayer (Links to articles)
... a timely reminder of the way God accomplishes His work in the world and His Church through vital communion with Him in prayer.
Nehemiah - The Building of a City   by T. Austin-Sparks (Link to Article)
Sunday Assembly 3/9 Reading             -           Discussion
Consider Jesus the Apostle and High Priest of our Confession
Sunday Assembly 3-16                     Wednesday 3-19
The Building of the New Jerusalem by T. Austin-Sparks
Sunday 4-6-14 # 1 - Discussion - #2 & #3 4-10  - #4 Sunday 4-13
Knowing God in Christ by T. Austin-Sparks (Link to booklet)
4-16 Chapters 1-2       4-23 Chapters 3-4         4-27 Chapters 5-6
4-20-14 Dan & Doug  Session 1  --  Session 2
Knowing God in Christ  
Chapters 7-8    Chapters 9-10    Chapters 11-12
4/30                            5/4                               5/7 
Sunday 5-4  #1   #2
Knowing God in Christ
5-11 Chapter 13 Part 1 - Part 2
              The Forgotten Father 
                       by Thomas Smail 
This Ministry  by T. Austin-Sparks
Link to Book    Reading/Discussion 5-14 Chapter 1   5-18 Chapter 2     5/21 Chapter 3
The Recovery of Spiritual Power  
by T. Austin-Sparks
Link to book       Sunday 5-25 Chapter 1
The Reign of Light 
by T. Austin-Sparks 
Link to book     5-25 Session 1
The Recovery of Spiritual Power  by T. Austin-Sparks
5-31 Chapters 2 - 3             6-1 Chapters 4 - 5           6-4 Chapters 6 - 7
"God's Pattern for our Conformity to the Image of Christ"
Message from Doug Riggs -    Part 1: 6/15/14      Part 2: 6/18/14
The Arm of the Lord (link to message) by T. Austin-Sparks

Sunday 6-29-14 Session 1      Session 1 Discussion         7-2-14 Wednesday   
"The Spirit's Law of Life" (link to booklet) by T. Austin-Sparks

Sunday 7-6 Session 1        Session 2 Discussion
The Universality of the New Creation  T. Austin-Sparks  (link to booklet)

Sunday 7-13-14 Reading              Discussion
That Which is Born of the Spirit - The New Creation in Christ by T. Austin-Sparks

7-20-14  Sunday - Chapter 4                        Chapter 5
A Holy Convocation to the Lord!
Were we to have one last opportunity to bring a final message to the Church today, this series by T. Austin-Sparks would be that message!
"The Battle for the Throne"  (link to book)
by T. Austin-Sparks     (mp3 audios)
Chapter 1&2 (8-6)        Chapter 3 (8-13)         Chapter 4 (8-17)   /   Discussion
"A Body You Have Prepared For Me"
from Hebrews 10:5-10, 14       Sunday Assembly 8-3-14
"Ye Are Come to Zion"  by T. A-S. (link to book)

Chapter 1               Chapter 2               Chapter 3              Chapter 4
"Our Inheritance in Christ"  by T. Austin-Sparks (link to book)

9/7 Chapter 1          9/10 Chapters 2 - 3
Chapter 8 - Jesus: Prophet, Priest and King   by T. Austin-Sparks - Sunday 10-5 Assembly soon to be published by The Golden Candlestick
A Way of Growth  by T. Austin-Sparks (link to book)

Chapters 1 & 2 (10-19-14)                          Chapters 3 & 4 (10-22-14)
Suffering and Glory  
by T. Austin-Sparks (link to book)

Reading / Discussion
The Cross and God's Eternal Purpose  by T. Austin-Sparks (link to book)

Reading / Discussion
Message Presented at The Golden Candlestick,

Twello, Netherlands 11-2014                                                                Discussion that Followed
A People Prepared for the Lord  by T. Austin-Sparks (link to book)

Reading (11-23-14)                 Discussion / Comments
In Adam or In Christ                                Christ and Cosmic Redemption
by T. Austin-Sparks (links to books)

The Fight of the Faith  by T. Austin-Sparks (link to book)

Chapter 1 (11-30)  Discussion          Chapter 2  (12-3)        Chapter 3  (12-7) Discussion 

  Chapter 4  (12-11)                       Chapter 5   (12-14)  Discussion
The Testimony and Its Vessel unto the Time of the End  
by T. Austin-Sparks (link to book)

Chapters 1 - 2 (12-17-14)                   Chapter 3 (12-24)  / Discussion  

Chapter 4: The Universal Range of the Eternal Purpose   (12/28)    /   Discussion
Ministry Archives

2015 (click here)

 2016 (click here) 

2017 (click here) 

2018 (click here)             2019 (click here)             2020 (click here) 

2022  (click here)                      2023 (click here) 

The Forgotten Father